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CLAS12 First Experiment Workshop Summary

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1 CLAS12 First Experiment Workshop Summary
Latifa Elouadrhiri CLAS Collaboration Meeting, Oct. 4, 2017

2 First Experiment- Run Group A
Proposal Physics Contact Rating Days Group New equipment Energy Run Group Target E Hard exclusive electro-production of π0, η Stoler B 80 139 RICH (1 sector) Forward tagger 11 A F. Sabatié liquid H2 E A Exclusive N*->KY Studies with CLAS12 Carman (60) E B Transition Form Factor of the η’ Meson with CLAS12 Kunkel (80) E Proton’s quark dynamics in SIDIS pion production Avakian 60 E A Semi-inclusive Λ productiuon in target fragmentation region Mirazita E B Colinear nucleon structure at twist-3 Pisano E (a) Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Sabatie E Excitation of nucleon resonances at high Q2 Gothe B+ 40 E Hadron spectroscopy with forward tagger Battaglieri A- 119 E A Photoproduction of the very strangest baryon Guo (120) E Timelike Compton Scatt. & J/ψ production in e+e- Nadel-Turonski 120 E A J/ψ Photoproduction & study of LHCb pentaquarks Stepanyan E Exclusive φ meson electroproduction with CLAS12 Stoler, Weiss Beam time partial sum 559 (1,049) Experiment ending with A or B are run group experiments approved by the CLAS collaboration. They are running parallel to the experiments with same experiment number. Experiments ending with (a) and (b) take data with both run groups.

3 CLAS12 First Experiment Configuration
Approved PAC days Beam time: days commissioning 60 days high luminosity (1035cm-2s-1) 39 days low luminosity (5x1033cm-2s-1) 20 days torus polarity = negative Experiment parameters Beam energy 10.6 GeV, electrons polarized Beam current 4nA (5x 1033) to 80 nA (1x1035) Torus field and polarity 100% (negative particles in-bending) Solenoid field and polarity 100% (nominal) Trigger(s) Electron trigger (HTCC/PCAL/EC) Electron (1 - 5 GeV) in the FT and ≥ 2 (3) hadrons in CLAS12 Target 5cm LH2

4 CLAS12 Components for First Experiment
Torus magnet - to be operated up to ±100% of design current Solenoid magnet – to be operated up to 100% of design current Forward Detector (FD) – High Threshold Cherenkov Counter (HTCC), Forward Micromegas Tracker (FMT), Drift Chamber system (DC -R1, R2, R3), Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC, 1 sector), RICH (1 sector), Forward Time-of-Flight (FTOF 1b/1a), Preshower Calorimeter (PCAL), Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EC) Forward Tagger (FT) – FT-calorimeter, FT-Hodoscope, FT-Tracker Central Detector (CD) – Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT), Barrel MicroMegas Tracker (BMT), Central Time-of-Flight (CTOF), Central Neutron Detector (CND) Slow Controls DAQ/Online computing Trigger Beamline equipment Offline Software

5 Beamline Configurations for the First Experiment
Recent beamline optimization “FT in use” Preliminary Results

6 Beamline Configuration with FT Blocked
Configuration to be commissioned during the engineering run “FT Blocked” Preliminary Results

7 DC Region 1 Occupancy Versus Solenoid Field
Preliminary Results The 2 Configurations will be commissioned during the engineering run FT in use FT blocked


9 CLARA Offline Reconstruction
Trigger Implementation & Validation Comparison between C++ implementation and hardware response Comparison between GEANT4 and reconstruction results GEMC Or DAQ (.evio) Trigger C++ CLARA Offline Reconstruction Simulations/commissioning of the various trigger: rates, efficiency and stability has started. This is one of the highest priorities. NOTE: that step allows Offline Reconstruction team to get ready for trigger results processing during beam time

10 Schedule Run Schedule: Hall B is scheduled for an Engineering Run for a total of 30 calendar days beginning December 4, 2017, and ending January 28, First Experiment is scheduled to begin February 5. There are 8 days of no-beam built into the schedule that can be used to implement changes to CLAS12 components if needed (for example as a result of findings during the engineering run). CLAS12 Commissioning with Cosmics for 2 weeks stating November 17

11 CLAS12 DAQ/Trigger Commissioning with Cosmics
Cosmic test Forward Detector (FD): set electron trigger without HTCC (ECAL+PCAL and ECAL+PCAL+DC), check data integrity, noise for DC and other detectors, and monitoring tools Cosmic test Central Detector (CD): set CTOF self-trigger and/or SVT self trigger, check data integrity and monitoring tools Random pulser test: set low channel thresholds, measure event rate, data rate and livetime; check monitoring tools performance

12 CLAS12 Online Monitoring Commissioning
Run and check basic instrumentation: runtime databases, messaging system, communication with EPICS, communication with data stream Run and check basic tools: CED(CLAS event display), data collection from different sources (DAQ, EPICS, scalers etc), data insertion into data stream, hardware monitoring tools, trigger monitoring tools Run and check online data monitoring: running on hot-swap DAQ server (clondaq3) from ET system, check detector data monitoring tools and online reconstruction (CLARA) (New development)

13 Engineering Run Objectives
Hall B and CLAS12 commissioning objectives are to Achieve reliable electron beam transport through CLAS12 to the beam dump using thin and extended target Verify performance of the data acquisition, trigger, and slow controls systems Study the dependence of the detector performance on the luminosity, beam energy, magnetic field settings Define the nominal operating luminosity for RGA Accumulate data to perform full calibrations of the CLAS12 detector and assess its performance Determine the alignment of the CLAS12 detector subsystems using beam interactions Should I mentioned satisfying the commissioning requirements included in the project plan?

14 Commissioning Run Status
First version of detailed comprehensive day by day plan developed The Hall B/CLAS12 commissioning run is divided into 3 phases: Beamline commissioning at 10.6 GeV CLAS12 commissioning at 10.6 GeV CLAS12 commissioning at 6.4 GeV Commissioning organization in place with manpower identified for both online and offline activities The Commissioning Plan fits within the 30 days of scheduled beam time The Final commissioning plan is being worked on to optimize it and to add all necessary details working closely with different subsystems experts and implementing the Ready for Science Review recommendations Activities for preparation of a successful running of RG-A must have the highest priority. The commissioning plan will be revised to include that

15 CLAS12 Online Monitoring
Engineering Run Require real time monitoring of rates/occupancy/calibration/efficiency/physics. Correlate detector rates with luminosity. Carefully selected suite of monitoring plots coupled with real-time reconstruction to establish operational parameters and limits of physics running: FADC readout and trigger thresholds, TDC discriminator thresholds. PCAL/ECAL peak and cluster energy thresholds. Tracking occupancies and efficiencies. Maximum beam current vs. (target, beam energy, magnet settings, thresholds). Minimum permissible (occupancy, efficiency) to achieve physics goals.. Physics Run Run-based detector occupancy histograms with PDF link in logbook. Run-based time histories of online reconstruction and DAQ. Archiving both EPICS and online reconstruction. Online monitoring of calibration stability.

16 CLAS12 Online Monitoring Status and Plans
Online monitoring for physics reconstruction in CLAS12 environment should focus on detector occupancy, efficiency and calibration stability. What we have: Comprehensive, redundant monitoring of front-end signals, noise, detector functioning and calibration by customized individual detector expert GUIs, CS-Studio/EPICS and low-level ROOT screens. These will be crucial during engineering run for establishing optimal running conditions and evaluating effect of high-luminosity running. Required development for the engineering run: COATJAVA GUIs for detailed hit occupancy 1D,2D histograms and detector views and shiftworker browsing. Timeline services to monitor trends in calibration and performance sensitive parameters (gain shifts, EM background, tracking noise occupancy). CLARA can orchestrate management of monitoring services, handle EPICS messaging, histogram publish/subscribe, web-based timelines

17 CLARA Reconstruction and Monitoring
Offline FCAL 0.08ms FHODO 0.05ms FTEB 0.05ms DCHB 34.05ms DCTB 63.7ms FTOF 1.16ms Processing Node/DPE EBTB 0.38ms EBHB 0.37ms EC 0.75ms LTCC 0.05ms HTCC 0.14ms CTOF 0.19ms RS 0.07ms Monitor Node/DPE WS 0.25ms FHODO HS/TLS FCAL HS/TLS FTEB HS/TLS DC HS/TLS CTOF HS/TLS HTCC HS/TLS LTCC HS/TLS EC HS/TLS EB HS/TLS Filter TLS DST Data DST WS Clara Monitor Server InfluxDB service Grafana DB Binary/HIPO JSON data-format Archiver DB DST Remote Client Histogram Analyzer/ Presenter DST Node/DPE/process

18 CLARA: Online Event Reconstruction Monitoring

19 Calibration- Status Calibration challenge completed, Ready for quasi-online calibration

20 Event Reconstruction Event Reconstruction Need to complete
Full chain of services ready to reconstruct data Stable release available for physics reactions studies (RfS) Code management in place Need to complete Tracking including the Forward Micromegas Complete PID/efficiency Merge physics event with background Perform detailed systematic studies for different luminosities (different background rates) Define and implement monitoring histograms to monitor of efficiency/resolutions/physics quantities Need to develop online event reconstruction and monitoring

21 Physics Analysis Excellent progress almost all experiments from run group A completed first full chain physics analysis for their physics processes. Demonstrating the robustness of the offline software. See the presentations at the Ready for Science Review web page

22 CLAS12 – “Ready for Science” Review
Review Committee : E. Smith (co-chair), S. Stepanyan (co-chair), K. Griffioen, K. Joo, D. Lawrence, B. Hess, B. Zihlmann

23 CLAS12 “Ready for Science” Charge
The scope of the Review is to: (A) Review the readiness of the “CLAS12 First experiment” effort to coordinate the CLAS collaboration in the task of producing first rate science in course of and following the data taking period, and be ready for expedient analysis and result publications (this includes both understanding the detector and having the simulations and reconstruction software in place for physics.) (B) Review the readiness of the effort to operate and commission all systems, providing the on-line monitoring and controls, trigger system, and the readout of all detector and ancillary systems. (C) Review the readiness of the calibration effort to use the scheduled engineering run for optimizing the detector responses. This effort must be prioritized to support the CLAS12 First experiment effort in the physics run immediately following the engineering run.

24 Specific Charge Items Is the presented commissioning plan for CLAS12 comprehensive and developed in sufficient detail to ensure that upon completion the CLAS12 system will be ready for production data taking? Is the timeline reasonable and optimized, both in terms of duration of the study and the order of activities. Have the necessary production triggers been developed that are needed for the physics run, and are plans in place to test their efficiency? Are the presented monitoring and software tools adequate for the efficient commissioning of all CLAS12 systems? Are the online and offline analysis shift staffing plans during the commissioning period appropriate and adequate? Are the available resources (e.g. computing manpower) sufficient to enable the implementation of the commissioning results into the production data analysis on a reasonably short time scale (weeks)? Is the documentation of all systems (detector hardware, online/offline software, operating procedures, etc.) sufficiently detailed and complete to provide the required support for the shift taker and experts? Is the scope of simulation studies that have been performed or are planned before the run period adequate to understand the expected baseline performance of the CLAS12 system Are there studies or tests missing that should be specifically included in the plan to ensure the readiness for production data taking and processing?

25 CLAS12 “Ready for Science” Report
Final report from the committee received October 2, 2017, with specific recommendations to each charge item. Summary of the recommendations in the following areas: Commissioning plan: prioritize the tasks with clear goals and deliverables and required tools for timely feedback Online monitoring: centralize the monitoring effort and identify a lead person Trigger: prioritize the trigger list and allocate sufficient time to its commissioning Simulations: detailed list of simulation to be performed was provided to allow comprehensive and systematic studies of the CLAS12 detector to be ready for science Resources: plan NOW for long term computer resource needs for efficient/successful data processing, simulations and analysis The focus of the collaboration for the coming few months will be on the preparation and the execution of successful engineering run. Tracking of all the recommendations and comments Document summarizing response to all the recommendations due November 10, 2017

26 Summary/Priorities Completion of the beam line simulation
Completion of all the simulation tasks required for the Commissioning run and develop all the required software tools for online feedback. Complete Trigger simulations and implementation & validation Online/quasi-online monitoring including timeline information Completion of event reconstruction to include FMM & PID with systematic validation including background Online reconstruction and time-line monitoring of physics quantities Update the required documentation/training

27 Documentation Most of the operation documentation have been updated since the KPP. Commissioning document being finalized Trigger studies and online & offline monitoring need to be documented All Documentation will be placed in DOCDB under version control

28 Weekly First experiment Analysis Meeting
Wednesdays at 8:30 The mailing list:

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