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Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night 2017
Spanish 7 Mrs. Tarricone

2 Course Overview First half of Spanish I
Earns 1 high school credit after passing 8th grade second language proficiency exam Communicative approach 4 Skills: Listening Reading Writing Speaking

3 Communicative Goals By June, 7th graders should be able to communicate effectively to: Greet people appropriately and introduce themselves and others Ask how someone is and tell how they feel Ask and tell the date, time & weather Say and recognize numbers to 100 Describe themselves and others; express feelings Give their opinion about school and classes Say what they like and don’t like to do outside of school Talk about their family and favorite activities Talk about meals, foods & beverages

4 In school, successful students…
are well-organized and prepared with notebook daily volunteer to participate often in class seek extra help when needed have a positive attitude

5 How can you help your child at home?
You can help your child by reminding them to: Practice, practice, practice at home! Do daily homework (accuracy counts) Say the words aloud Watch a related video (see my website) Make flashcards (on cards or digital ones) Make and take practice quizzes Go to online site for text chapter review

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