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Poverty and Forest Dependence in Indonesia

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1 Poverty and Forest Dependence in Indonesia
Ririn S Purnamasari

2 Study Area East Kalimantan Village 5 Village 6 Village 3 Village 4
Samarinda Balikpapan East Kalimantan INDONESIA Village 2 Village 1 Village 3 Village 5 Village 6 Village 4

3 Study Villages Village Village Name Household Number Sample 1
Tiwei/Long Gelang 159 48 2 Pekasau 114 37 3 Kandolo 147 53 4 Bukit Merdeka 122 42 5 Long Loreh 6 Langap 95 35 All villages 174 263

4 Study Village Characteristics
Village Name Tiwei/Long Gelang Pekasau Kandolo Long Loreh Langap District Pasir Kutai Timur Malinau Distance to district market 15 km 35 minutes 3 km 10 minutes 31 km 30 minutes 76 km 3 hours 78 km 4 hours Forest land (% of village area) 64 % 25 % 63 % 77 % 95 % Forest management State forests, Customary forests State forests Ethnic majority Paser Paser, Javanese Bugis Dayak Main income sources Agriculture (oil-plantation, rice) Forest-based activities (collecting fuelwood, game meat, rattan) Wages (farming seasonal employments) Agriculture (oil-plantation, rubber) Forest-based activities (fuelwood, game meat) Wages (plantation workers) Agriculture (cocoa, banana, rice) Forest-based activities (collecting fuelwood, sawn-timber processing, charcoal production) Agriculture (rice) Forest-based activities (collecting fuelwood, game meat, medicinal plants) Wages (concessionaire workers) Population density (persons/km2) 2.9 32 17.7 9.4 7.4 Large scale enterprise Oil palm plantations Rubber plantations Logging companies Coal mining companies

5 Household Income by Sources
 Income Source Total (000 Rp) % cash Crop 1668 83 Wage 1111 100 Direct forest 500 23 Business 368 Livestock 227 82 Other 171 Non-forest environmental 113 40 Forest derived 93 Fishery 90 Payment for forest service Aquaculture

6 Forest and seasonality

7 Forest Income Decomposition
Forest-Based Activities Partici- pation Average Per-capita Income* Average Share in Total Income (%) (000 Rp) Forest Product Collection Fuelwood 78.70 203.86 9.13 Wild-boar 20.37 6.13 Rattan 15.74 215.69 1.25 Others 16.20 451.30 2.39 Forest Product Processing Sawn-timber 3.70 2.58 Charcoal 2.31 415.59 1.13 6.94 260.71 0.79 Wage Income/Business 4.17 465.41 1.14 All Forest Activities 84.72 884.09 24.55 N 216 *Calculated from those who participated in the activity

8 Forest Dependence HHs distribution of per capita forest income
HHs distribution of forest income share

9 Forest Income and Inequality

10 Conclusion Forest-based activities are an important source of income
In general, poorer households are more dependent but likely in low-return activities Forest income reduce income inequality

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