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Preview Science Concepts Math Skills Using Science Graphics.

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1 Preview Science Concepts Math Skills Using Science Graphics

2 1. Why are phospholipids ideal for making up the selectively permeable cell membrane?
A. They repel small ions. B. They react readily with water molecules. C. They form triple layers that insulate the cell. D. They have a nonpolar and a polar region.

3 1. Why are phospholipids ideal for making up the selectively permeable cell membrane?
A. They repel small ions. B. They react readily with water molecules. C. They form triple layers that insulate the cell. D. They have a nonpolar and a polar region.

4 2. The membrane-bound proteins that identify a cell type are
F. enzymes. G. glycoproteins. H. receptor proteins. J. transport proteins.

5 2. The membrane-bound proteins that identify a cell type are
F. enzymes. G. glycoproteins. H. receptor proteins. J. transport proteins.

6 3. Which substance crosses the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion?
A. oxygen B. sugar C. sodium ion D. chloride ion

7 3. Which substance crosses the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion?
A. oxygen B. sugar C. sodium ion D. chloride ion

8 4. The concentration of molecule X is greater inside a cell than it is outside the cell. If the cell acquires X from its surroundings, X must cross the cell membrane by means of F. exocytosis. G. active transport. H. receptor proteins. J. second messengers.

9 4. The concentration of molecule X is greater inside a cell than it is outside the cell. If the cell acquires X from its surroundings, X must cross the cell membrane by means of F. exocytosis. G. active transport. H. receptor proteins. J. second messengers.

10 5. A cell begins to swell when it is placed in an unknown solution
5. A cell begins to swell when it is placed in an unknown solution. What can you conclude about the solution? A. The solution is isotonic. B. The solution is hypotonic. C. The solution is saturated. D. The solution is hypertonic.

11 5. A cell begins to swell when it is placed in an unknown solution
5. A cell begins to swell when it is placed in an unknown solution. What can you conclude about the solution? A. The solution is isotonic. B. The solution is hypotonic. C. The solution is saturated. D. The solution is hypertonic.

12 6. Which proteins transmit information into a cell by binding to signal molecules?
F. end proteins G. marker proteins H. channel proteins J. receptor proteins

13 6. Which proteins transmit information into a cell by binding to signal molecules?
F. end proteins G. marker proteins H. channel proteins J. receptor proteins

14 7. What will happen to a cell (1% salt) that is placed in a 5% salt solution?
A. Salt moves in. B. Salt moves out. C. Water moves in. D. Water moves out.

15 7. What will happen to a cell (1% salt) that is placed in a 5% salt solution?
A. Salt moves in. B. Salt moves out. C. Water moves in. D. Water moves out.

16 This graph shows the rate of glucose transport across a cell membrane versus the concentration gradient. Use the graph to answer the question that follows. 8. If Line X represents the facilitated diffusion of glucose, what could Line Y represent? A. diffusion of glucose through osmosis B. diffusion of glucose through the lipid bilayer C. diffusion of glucose through carrier proteins D. active transport of glucose through carrier proteins

17 This graph shows the rate of glucose transport across a cell membrane versus the concentration gradient. Use the graph to answer the question that follows. 8. If Line X represents the facilitated diffusion of glucose, what could Line Y represent? A. diffusion of glucose through osmosis B. diffusion of glucose through the lipid bilayer C. diffusion of glucose through carrier proteins D. active transport of glucose through carrier proteins

18 This diagram shows a cellular process that occurs at the cell membrane
This diagram shows a cellular process that occurs at the cell membrane. Use the diagram to answer the question that follows. 9. What happens immediately after structure 1 binds to structure 2? F. Structure 1 is destroyed. G. Structure 2 becomes larger. H. Structure 2 changes in shape. J. Structure 1 is released from the membrane.

19 This diagram shows a cellular process that occurs at the cell membrane
This diagram shows a cellular process that occurs at the cell membrane. Use the diagram to answer the question that follows. 9. What happens immediately after structure 1 binds to structure 2? F. Structure 1 is destroyed. G. Structure 2 becomes larger. H. Structure 2 changes in shape. J. Structure 1 is released from the membrane.

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