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Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, Ph.D.
Advancing the State of Knowledge: Collaboration, Exchange and Networking within Academics and Community Researchers By Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, Ph.D. Chiang Mai University Thailand

2 Salween as river ecosystem Ecological Flows
Upstream- Down Stream Relations Salween as livelihoods for local people Genetic Resources, Resource Management and Local Knowledge Fish, Forest, Water, Minerals, etc.

3 Salween Ecological System and People
How does ecological system shape local livelihoods and how does exploitation of ecosystem lead to the exacerbation of poverty and human right violation ?

4 : Salween Economy: Fish, Plants, Forest, Minerals, etc.
Circulation and exchange of goods Btw up-stream and down-steam communities Fish, fish paste ---forest products Charcoal Production/Trade Rice production in flood plains Customary Rights among Diverse Ethnic Communities Food Security Livelihoods

5 Who are the people who depend on the Salween River?
Local History Sacred Places. Ethnic Belief and Customary Practice.

6 Policy Research Transboundary River Management
What is alternative/sustainable Development Model for Salween River Basin? Buddhist Economics? Vs. Neoliberal Economy Energy Consumption Model

7 Repatriation of Displaced Persons and Salween Dam Construction
FDI and Resource Conflicts in Salween River Basin Environmental Justice in Salween River Basin

8 Concluding Remarks Chayan Vaddhanaphuti

9 Temperature and Tempo Geographies of Knowing and Geographies of Ignorance Politics of the Salween River =>River of Peace and Free-flowing River “Zomia” and Gender ; river users; stateless people, refugees Research: Knowledge/Power 5.1 Basic Research/Scientific Research: Natural Science and Social Science; holistic and case studies Multidisciplinary 5.2 Policy Research 5.3 Community-action Research/Thai Baan 6. Mandate of the Academia: 6.1 Research focusing on Salween River (What Kind of Research Question to be asked) 6.2 Training

10 7. University-CSO-Local Communities
Exchanges of Ideas/Learning Platform 8. Steps forward 8.1 Media Strategies/documentary films 8.2 MoU/Salween River Friendship Partners 8.3 Research Priorities: 8.3.1 Four Nodes 8.3.2 Case Studies (How People Use/Conserve the River/forest), Sacred sites, etc. 8.4 Training/Methodology Workshop 8.5 Salween Annual Review 8.6 Database: baseline data, maps, researches 8.7 Funding

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