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Multiliteracies for the 21st Century Schools Written by Dr

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1 Task 3 A Digital Learning Resource Professional reading recommendation Amanda Wigg

2 Multiliteracies for the 21st Century Schools Written by Dr
Multiliteracies for the 21st Century Schools Written by Dr. Maureen O ‘Rourke

3 Multiliteracies......? Changes in the world and our capacity to communicate through new media ‘A young person growing up in our digitally connected, media- rich world is disadvantaged if their literacy development is mainly judged through the narrow strand of reading and writing in the print media’ (p.1)

4 Multiliteracies......? Combines modes of communication and meaning making Broadens literacy from the focus of ‘reading the word’ to reading multi-modal texts In the process of becoming literate students are making sense of the world and them selves in the world

5 Multiliteracies......? Becoming literate: preparing young people to understand the influences of social, cultural historical and political contexts Seeing beyond the surface of a message and having the ability to communicate ideas through different modes

6 How can we best prepare our students to participate and contribute to the 21st century?
We need to consider the social, cultural, technological, and political changes students face both locally and globally Engage students to observe and critique the communication systems which students access New ideas, learning and knowledge is achieved when providing students with these opportunities

7 Paulo Freire- Brazilian literacy educator:
Paulo Freire- Brazilian literacy educator: ‘Likened literacy to an onion where the more literate we become, the more complex layers within

8 Consideration: How best to prepare students for the changes they face in a world of multiple communication modes Need to develop skills to make sense of these modes and converse with diverse audiences Must engage our students in observing and critiquing these communication systems which they have access to

9 ‘For teachers and education systems, this requires a shift and broadening in terms of what we value as literacy practice. This in turn will affect how children see themselves as literacy learners.’ (p.2)

10 Understanding Multilitericies The Four Dimensions of Literacy:
Human Foundational Critical Creative

11 Human Dimension: Influenced by the individual sense maker and communicator Influenced by life experiences Includes knowledge of discipline, other situations and contexts Refers to emotional aspect of communication

12 Foundational Dimension:
Refers to skills and knowledge There is a big emphasis placed on reading and writing but we need to place emphasis on the communication modes associated with visual, aural, spatial and gestural forms Knowledge that exists in these disciplines needs to be linked to everyday literacy practice

13 Critical Dimension: Thinking and analysis
Not just encouraging our students with technology But providing our students opportunities for critical engagement Students encouraged to use higher thinking skills and develop deeper understandings Encouraging reflection, relevance and appropriateness of the mode of communication

14 Creative Dimension: Using new learning to transform existing practices
Expression, testing and elaboration of ideas takes place Creativity and innovation

15 Implications for Teachers and Teaching
‘A multiliteracies approach encourages a broader perspective of the student as a learner and values diverse ways of knowing, thinking, doing and being. It encourages us as educators, to see the whole person and to make judgements through this broader lens rather than cumulative sub-sets of skills’ (p.10)

16 Implications for Teachers and Teaching
Teachers need to develop their understandings and proficiency in multiliterate approaches Teachers need time to develop technical proficiency in communication modes other than print Teachers need to ensure that high quality thinking, processes and products are evident

17 A goal from the Key Improvement Strategies
The relevance of ‘Multiliteracies for 21st Century Schools’ at Roberts McCubbin: A goal from the Key Improvement Strategies in Student Learning in our AIP is; ‘To enhance the instructional capacity of leaders and teachers in the use of ICT in teaching, learning, assessment and planning.’

18 The relevance of ‘Multiliteracies for 21st Century Schools’ at Roberts McCubbin:
Maureen has helped me to understand that as teachers we are indeed teaching in a multi-modal world and that our teaching approaches need to be effective in both engaging students and generating work of high intellectual and technical quality

19 The relevance of ‘Multiliteracies for 21st Century Schools’ at Roberts McCubbin
The ‘Modes of Communication’ framework on page 4, highlights the Dimensions of Literacy that we need to focus on to improve our literacy teaching. I intend to use this framework with our teams, hoping to enhance teacher capabilities, improving literacy learning outcomes for students at Roberts McCubbin Thanks Maureen you have inspired me!!

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