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Volumetric Procedures

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1 Volumetric Procedures
By: Uli Solihat Translated by: Nurul Kusumawati., S.Pd

2 Introduction Volumetric analysis is the process for determining the amount in the solution Can be achieved by accurately measuring volumes and concentration

3 Standard Solution Standard solution is one in which the concentration of all solute species is accurately known Standard solution can be prepared in two ways: 1. Directly from a primary standard 2. By standarization

4 Primary Standard Criteria for primary standard :
* It must be obtainable in a high state of purity and have a known formula * It should be easily stored and without reacting with the atmosphere * It should be readily available and relatively inexpensive * It should have a reasonably high formula weight to minimize errors in weighing

5 Titration A titration is the process in which a solution of one reactant (A) is added from a burette to a fixed volume, measured by pipette, of a solution of the other reactant (B)

6 End Point and Equivalence Point
Definition End point : the point at which the colour of indicator is change Equivalence point : the point where chemically equivalent amount of each reactant, according to the equation for the reaction are present

7 Standarization of HCl Using * primary standard : sodium carbonate
(Na2 CO3) * Indicator : methyl red

8 A solution of approximately 0
A solution of approximately 0.1 M HCl was standardized using sodium carbonate 1.325 g of Na2 CO3 was dissolved in a little water in a 250 mL of volumetric flask and the solution made up to the mark with water After thorough mixing, 25 mL of the Na2 CO3 solution was pipetted into a 250 mL of Erlenmeyer flask, add several drops of methyl red

9 The HCl solution was slowly added from a burette until the colour change from yellow to reddish-orange The volume was mL. What was the concentration of the HCl solution?

10 The equation for the reaction is
2 HCl (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq) NaCl (aq) +CO2 (g) +H2O(l) The relative formula mass of Na2 CO3 = 106 Volume of Na2CO3 solution = 250 mL n(Na2CO3) = mol = mol In 25 mL of Na2CO3 solution, n(Na2CO3) = x mol = mol

11 From equation representing the reaction of HCl and Na2CO3,
n(HCl) = 2 x n(Na2CO3) = 2 x mol = mol Using , it can be seen that c(HCl) = = M The concentration of the HCl solution is M

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