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Chapter 13 European State Consolidation

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1 Chapter 13 European State Consolidation

2 Louis XIV King at 5 Rules for 72 years Grand Monarque The Sun King

3 During this period France is the dominate country in Europe.
French language, clothes, food, literature and philosophy are set the standard in Europe

4 The major foreign affairs question was Spain
What would happen to throne after Charles II?

5 Maria Anna of Neuburg


7 Louis has two goals: *Expand to the east annex Spanish Netherlands annex Franche-Comte or Burgundy *get Spain and her empire

8 Louis wants to create the most powerful country or universal monarchy

9 The method used to oppose a dominate country is Balance of Power
Other powers, major and minor would work in combinations to stop France from becoming too powerful and threatening the independence of all the others

10 The balance of power against Louis was managed mainly by the Dutch and William III, the prince of Orange

11 .. William rocks the Crue

12 The Dutch Rebuplic

13 Due to wealth from trade they develop as an intellectual and cultural center

14 Baruch Spinoza Philosophy of human nature, reality, God and man

15 Anton van Leeuwenhoek

16 Christian Huyghens Clocks w/pendulums Wave theory of light Ring of Saturn

17 ART Dutch painting show particular characteristics known as Baroque *Fascination with lighting *Representation of interior spaces *naturalistic images of humans *distinctive colors or subtle hues

18 Many non-Dutch Baroque artists
Identify more with the Catholic Church and have more religious scenes Peter Paul Rubens

19 Massacre of the Innocents

20 Rubens Garden of Love

21 Frans Hals Portraits of common people Fisherman, playing a fiddle

22 Portrait of a Woman

23 Paintings of burgher class
Jan Vermeer Paintings of burgher class

24 Soldier and a Laughing Girl

25 Girl Interrupted at Her Music

26 1629 1659 Rembrandt van Rijn

27 Masters of the Cloth Guild

28 The Night Watch

29 Baroque Music Known for its ornate style and use of counter point

30 Antonio Vivaldi

31 George Frideric Handel

32 Johann Sebastian Bach

33 Religion Calvinist majority – splits into 2 groups One is a moderate form that includes mainly the Burgher class

34 Due to their extensive contact through trade the Dutch are accepting of different religious groups.
Jews Catholic and other Christian sects were welcomed

35 Commercial Life Trade was the lifeblood of the Dutch economy 1600 had 10,000 ships Trade all over the world: Asia, Brazil, Africa, and only connection to Japan

36 Bank of Amsterdam Many different coins made in countries Different size and purity B of A puts out gold florins-unchanging weight and purity

37 Becomes international money of choice
Allows depositors to draw checks against their balance

38 Government Delegates from 7 provinces made up Estates General Each province liked independence so no official to over see all provinces-each has a stadholder

39 Often provinces elected the same one
House of Orange

40 The Burghers had more money and power than most of the nobles

41 There was often a political battle between the burghers, who were pacifist and concerned with business, and the prince of Orange who was concerned with national security

42 1650 William II dies No Stadholder for 22 years His son William III is born 8 days later

43 William is: *serious *learned *speaks 4 languages *disliked pomp and ceremony *marries niece of King of England-Charles II, daughter of future King James II

44 1667 Louis XIV claims Spanish Netherlands and Franche-Comte (Burgundy)
1672 capture Spanish Netherlands and 3 Dutch provinces

45 People call for William who is elected Stadholder in 6 provinces
Sets up new alliance with Denmark, Brandenburg, Austria and Spain

46 Treaty is signed giving France Burgundy and lands in Flanders
Dutch Republic is safe William gets break with his new job. . . King of England


48 France Three times as populous as England Has wealth in land and trade

49 French culture dominant in Europe
Literature has tragedies from Corneille and Racine Comedies from Moliere that ridicule the new rich and aristocrats

50 Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Moliere Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

51 Scientist, mathematician, Christian philosopher
Blaise Pascal Scientist, mathematician, Christian philosopher 1 1 2 1 x²+ x + x³+ x²+ x +

52 Rene Descartes Cartesian or Analytical Geometry Meteorology Philosophy of Doubt Cogito ergo sum I think, therefore I am

53 To help French culture become dominate Louis:
Supports favorite artists and writers Establishes ‘royal academies’ that teach correct principle of art

54 Proper artistic theory is :
CLASSICISM Emphasized order, harmony and appreciation of the classics of antiquity

55 Nicholas Poussin Bacchanalia

56 Rape of the Sabine Women

57 Claude Lorrain Landscape with the arrival of Aeneas at Pallanteum

58 Those who feel that the new literature, art and knowledge had surpassed that of antiquity
They are called the “Moderns” The followers of the academies are known as the “Ancients”

59 Salons-hosted by wealthy women, salons were a gathering place for nobles, the wealthy professionals and artists, to discuss and debate philosophy, literature and the arts.

60 Richelieu cut power from nobles – took local administration from them
Estates General last met in 1615

61 France had a dozen parlements: supreme courts of law over a particular region
These courts upheld “fundamental laws” that they claimed the king could not overstep

62 There were over 300 systems of law
Tolls charged by manorial lords Tariffs levied from province to province

63 Louis XIV-child king Mazarin runs gov for Louis The Fronde-revolt of nobles who want power Joined by some army officers-have nothing to do after peace

64 Cardinal Mazarin

65 Reasons for failure of the Fronde
*no constructive program-just wanted to get rid of Mazarin *no support of middle or lower class

66 On Mazarin’s death-1661-Louis begins to rule
L’etat c’est moi

67 Theory of Absolute Rule
Bishop Bossuet-right to rule comes from God and not restrained by Parliaments or nobles. King must rule within the will of God.

68 Finishes royal control over nobles
*no private armies Louis has only army to be used in other countries and in France

69 Builds Versailles Palace
10 miles from Paris 1/3 mile long 1400 fountains Holds 10,000 people

70 Keeps nobles there so they stay out of politics and become fat and lazy.











81 The Gold Plate Room

82 For government he looked to upper bourgeois or new nobility
Had 4 ministers at a time 16 ministers in 54 years

83 All of Louis moves cost money Tax collecting not efficient in France
Money gets ‘lost’ TAX

84 Problem: king can only raise taxes for all with consent of nobles
No consent-tax only middle and lower class

85 How to get money? *devalue currency *sell titles of nobility & army rank *Sell government offices *annul town charters-sell them back new ones

86 Jean Baptiste Colbert Controller General Wants France to be economically self-sufficient

87 Colbert wants to make France’s
economy self-sufficient: -internal improvements on roads and canals -outlaw exports of grains to keep food prices down

88 -places tariffs on Dutch and British goods
-Commercial Code, replaces local laws for business

89 -Pushes mercantilism *builds up navy *get resources from colonies *sell finished products to the colonies

90 Huguenots- Lost their fortified cities under Richelieu, but protected by Edict of Nantes Louis doesn’t like this “un roi, une loi, foi” One king, one law, one faith

91 1685 Edict of Nantes revoked
Persecution of Huguenots begins Some convert Many leave-50,000 families

92 This loss hurts as many were craftsmen, army officer and merchants

93 Goals of Louis XIV *Check Austria *Reduce the Dutch
*get influence in Spain *expand into German states

94 Only real obstacle for Louis is William of Orange
With new power able to put together real opposition to Louis League of Augsburg

95 After death of Charles II of Spain crown goes to grandson of Louis Philip of Anjou
William forms new coalition-Grand Alliance War of Spanish Succession

96 John Churchill Duke of Marlborough Prince Eugene of Savoy

97 Blenheim Palace

98 Peace of Utrecht 1713 Philip now Philip I of Spain Crown must be separate from France Spain loses some territory Gibraltar belongs to England

99 *England gets Minorca *Austria gets Milan & Naples *Savoy gets Sardinia *Elector of Brandenburg-Prussia given title king *Belgium given to Austria

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