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Agenda RE Calculations 101 Determining PRS/Bldg Denominator

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda RE Calculations 101 Determining PRS/Bldg Denominator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda RE Calculations 101 Determining PRS/Bldg Denominator
Monthly Rent CAM/RET Estimates Gross Ups CAM/RET Reconciliations Caps – Controllable/Uncontrollable Net Operating Income

2 RE Calculations 101 Lease Types NET Lease Rental Rate $12.00, plus CAM/INS $6.31, & RET $2.80 Gross Lease One Rate $21.00 PSF Modified Gross – includes a Base Year for CAM or RET

3 Determining PRS/Bldg Denominator
RE Calculations 101 Determining PRS/Bldg Denominator PRS = Size Suite/Bldg Rentable SF Building Denominator = Total Building RSF PRS can change if building is remeasured Useable SF Loss Factor

4 Determining Monthly Rent/CAM/RET
RE Calculations 101 Determining Monthly Rent/CAM/RET PSF rate is determined by quoted market rate (negotiated directly in the lease) PSF x Size Suite / 12 = Monthly Rental Rate % Increase CPI Increase Budgeted CAM/TAX For building (PSF x denominator)

5 RE Calculations 101 Determine PRS for your suite
What is the Annual Budgeted CAM & TAX Expenses?

6 RE Calculations 101

7 Determine CAM & TAX monthly estimates for your suite
RE Calculations 101 Determine CAM & TAX monthly estimates for your suite

8 RE Calculations 101

9 Gross Ups RE Calculations 101
Costs that vary with occupancy are grossed up Usually only in Office Leases Normally see 100% or 95% Gross Up Allowance

10 Gross Ups RE Calculations 101 Expenses that are normally grossed up:
Janitorial Contract Cleaning Supplies Water (possible other utilities i.e. electric) Trash Management Fees

11 RE Calculations 101

12 RE Calculations 101

13 RE Calculations 101

14 RE Calculations 101

15 RE Calculations 101

16 CAM & RET Reconciliations
RE Calculations 101 CAM & RET Reconciliations CAM means Common Area Maintenance (any expense for the common good of all tenants is considered a CAM expense) Total CAM Cost to run Building $535,650 Divided by Size Bldg (91,844 sf) = $5.83PSF At Year End actual costs are determined then a reconciliation must be completed no later than 3/31

17 Determine CAM & TAX Year End Costs for your suite
RE Calculations 101 Determine CAM & TAX Year End Costs for your suite

18 RE Calculations 101

19 RE Calculations 101 Fill out 2016 CAM & TAX Escrows
Billed to Tenant for your suite

20 RE Calculations 101

21 What is the 2016 CAM & TAX Reconciliation Amount Due
RE Calculations 101 What is the 2016 CAM & TAX Reconciliation Amount Due

22 RE Calculations 101

23 RE Calculations 101 CAM CAPS A CAP is a stated maximum amount that LL can charge a tenant for CAM and/or RET (usually a percentage over previous year’s CAM expense) Controllable/ Uncontrollable Expenses CAP usually excludes uncontrollable expenses (snow removal, insurance, utility expenses or others expenses defined in the lease)

24 RE Calculations 101 Net Operating Income

25 RE Calculations 101 Questions?

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