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US CMS HL-LHC HL-LHC Systems Engineering

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Presentation on theme: "US CMS HL-LHC HL-LHC Systems Engineering"— Presentation transcript:

1 US CMS HL-LHC HL-LHC Systems Engineering
Jeff Dolph, Lead Systems Engineer Cornell University 19 May 2017

2 US CMS HL-LHC HL-LHC Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering (SE) in the Project Where are we today? Planning Documents Requirements and Interfaces Define the Technical Configuration Manage the Technical Configuration US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

3 Systems Engineering Functions
CHRIS & JEFF in work DONE L2 Sys engineering requirements now - June Progress design to validate requirements No requirements level below engineering just work to do! US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

4 Systems Engineering Team
Lead Systems Engineer Facilitate Systems Engineering across L2 areas Ensure Configuration Management followed Ensure Quality Management Plan followed Systems Engineers have started with first pass of engineering requirements, no contact from * -need to consider names for DOE scope TFPX – Diona O’Daniel, Yadira Fuentes Forward Muons – Mikhail Matveev, Tom Gorski* ECAL – Tom Gorski* Trigger – Richard Cavanaugh* *need build of engineering requirements in doc & respectively US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

5 Timeline Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP)
Now – June workshop REQUIREMENTS – plan the design development work June workshop – end of July INTERFACES – ICD listing, very preliminary support documentation/data Now – June workshop TECHNICAL RISKS – register new ones and do first and re-evaluations (largely addition of risks related to not meeting requirements) Configuration Management Plan (CMP) July – August CONFIGURATION DATA LIST – Technical Requirements, ICDs plus their supporting documents/data August – September TECHNICAL CONFIGURATION – practice Change Control when verifying RLS to the L2 System configurations US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

6 Requirements Flow-down/Trace-back
US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

7 Example “engr” Requirement
Object Heading ID Type Object Text Rationale Notes Parents 1st Verification Method (VM) 1st VM Work Assignment 1st VM References TFPX Engineering Requirements Heading The following requirements are first listed for the complete TFPX system; and, thereafter requirements are listed for individual Level 3 subsystems and their components. Survive Radiation TFPX-engr-001 requirement TFPX shall operate efficiently [define] up to radiation dose of 3000 fb^-1. What is the highest level system that needs tested? Need to define "operate efficiently" for development test. TFPX-sci-engr-005 development test TFPX-engr-002 TFPX shall withstand [define] radiation dose up to (~) [determine instead of ~, maybe it is just the values here] 1x10^16 eta_eq cm^-2, 500 Mrad. What is the highest level system? Need to define "withstand" for development test. It seems to be something less than operate efficiently. engineering analysis Fine Granularity TFPX-engr-003 An array of standardized rectangular-size ROC/Sensor/HDI Modules shall be mounted to the TFPX D-sections in a coverage optimized pattern. TFPX shall distinguish tracks that are close to one another. The inactive pixel threshold acceptance criteria is documented in the respective QC test plan. At 3Ghz/cm^2 the channel occupancy = 0.2%. TFPX-sci-engr-001 design drawing or spec. An array of standardized rectangular-size ROC/Sensor/HDI Modules shall be mounted to the TFPX D-sections in a coverage optimized pattern. TFPX shall distinguish tracks that are close to one another. The inactive pixel threshold acceptance criteria is documented in the respective QC test plan. US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

8 Requirements Template
1st Verification Method (VM) use drop-down menu, values are in column O design drawing or spec. engineering analysis scientific simulation development test systems engineering analysis specification selection specification development QC test QC inspection ES&H Review engineering demo add 1 Title Requirement Text Rationale 1st Verification Method (VM) 1st VM Owner 1st VM docdb# 2nd Verification Method (VM) 2nd VM Owner 2nd VM docdb# L2SYS Engineering Requirements succinct requirement statement with values, either range, min or max The following requirements are first listed for the complete L2SYS system; and, thereafter requirements are listed for individual L3 subsystems and their components. use drop-down menu, values are in column O physicist or engineer preparing VM reference material best to use a single controlled docdb# for all associated with a requirement [helpful to list title of all requirements first] [xxx shall…] [xxx is… because…] design drawing or spec. add 1 engineering analysis engineering demo scientific simulation ES&H Review development test QC inspection systems engineering analysis QC test specification selection specification development ES&H CERN Logistics L3Sub & Components Engineering Requirements Requirement Text succinct requirement statement with values, either range, min or max [xxx shall…] US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

9 Summary Systems Engineers develop L2 engineering requirements and interface control documentation Preliminary baseline the technical configuration Manage the configuration Control technical configuration by establishing requirements Change Control - evaluate changes systematically Interface changes are controlled If there is a necessary (or surprise) interface change it’s impact can be evaluated Work to one configuration simulation models, FE models, CAD models, drawings, spec selection… If there is need to change a requirement significantly then the rework and/or additional work can be assessed in a managed configuration. US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

10 Example “sys-engr” (traces up from “engr”)
Object Heading ID Type Object Text Rationale Notes Parents 1st Verification Method (VM) 1st VM Work Assignment 1st VM References TFPX Science and Engineering Requirements Heading The following requirements are listed for the complete TFPX system which flow down to multiple TFPX system and TFPX subsystems requirements on the TFPX Engr Requirements sheet. Fine Granularity TFPX-sci-engr-001 requirement TFPX shall have 25x100 and 50x50 micrometer pixel sizes. TFPX shall distinguish tracks that are close to one another. The granularity defined in this requirement is within current sensor and asic technology. At 3Ghz/cm^2 the channel occupancy = 0.2%. TFPX-sci- scientific simulation see notes Add Tracker Coverage TFPX-sci-engr-002 TFPX shall increase the Tracker coverage to |eta|=4.0 This increase in Tracker coverage will provide enough hits to perform more efficient and accurate reconstruction independent of other CMS detectors. Material Minimization TFPX-sci-engr-003 TFPX design shall minimize material mass and density. Material causes scattering and secondaries that can confuse particle pattern recognition. engineering analysis Size Constraints TFPX-sci-engr-004 TFPX shall fit within the dimensional envelope defined by the evolving CMS HL-LHC Upgrade requirements of interfacing systems. Continuous flow of information is necessary for the TFPX Final Design to fit within and be optimized for the available space. systems engineering analysis Reliability TFPX-sci-engr-005 TFPX shall operate within the CMS detector in the HL-LHC environment for a minimum of 10 years. Full NASA, FAA or DOD type of reliabllity analysis is not required for the CMS HL-LHC project and experiment. The sum of all VM's must satisfy the collaboration that this requirement will be verifiable. Software and Firmware TFPX-sci-engr-006 per SQA QC test link to SQA TFPX shall have 25x100 and 50x50 micrometer pixel sizes. TFPX shall distinguish tracks that are close to one another. The granularity defined in this requirement is within current sensor and asic technology. US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

11 Systems Engineering & Project Management
The Project plans to the Technical Configuration. US CMS HL-LHC Systems Engineering 19 May 2017

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