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The angel Gabriel giving Muhammad the revelation in AD 610

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1 Guided Notes: Islam and its’ impact on European history during the Middle Ages

2 The angel Gabriel giving Muhammad the revelation in AD 610

3 The cave on Mt. Hira




7 5 Pillars of Islam To become a Muslim one must recite and believe: “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is His prophet.” Prayer. Five times per day facing Mecca Alms (charity) to the poor Ramadan – month of fasting (based on the lunar calendar) from sun up to sun down Hajj – Faithful Muslims are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during their lifetime.


9 Clothing restrictions
In some areas of the world it is more common to see Muslim women wearing a garment (Burqa) that covers their hair and their whole body. Some even wear a piece of cloth that covers their face.

10 Dietary Restrictions No pork products No alcohol

11 Mosque Muslim house of worship
Friday is the day of the week that Muslims attend services at the mosque Most mosques in the world have a tower called a minaret. The Imam (Muslim priest) announces the prayers from atop the minaret. The Koran (Quran) is the Muslim holy book

12 Proselytizing Proselytizing is when members of a religion actively seek to convert others to that religion.

13 Think about it! Because both Christianity and Islam are religions that proselytize what potential problems may arise between the followers of the two religions? Explain your answer.

14 The birth of Islam

15 Muslim Expansion







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