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Task Group Status January ,11, 2017

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1 Task Group Status January ,11, 2017
API 17Y Subsea chemical injection system RP for Design, Testing & Operation Task Group Status January ,11, 2017

2 Section 4: System Definitions and Requirements
4.1 General – Complete 4.2  Concept Development - Complete 4.3  General Requirements– Complete 4.4   Functional Requirements – In progress 4.5   Design Requirements - In progress 4.6    System Ownership - In progress

3 Section 5: Interfaces This section has 7 subsections
5.1 General 5.2 Engineering Design Interface 5.3 Interface to Host Facility 5.4 Interface to Subsea Equipment 5.5 Interface to Downhole Equipment 5.6 Interface to Workover Control System 5.7 Interface to Subsea Control and Monitoring Device The draft of the entire section is completed and provided to the task group for review

4 Section 6: Surface Equipment
The outline of this section is updated BP provided an internal document to be used as the starting point to help the task group to progress A document was drafted based on BP document that did not match well with the section outline Several meetings are scheduled by the section lead but attendance by the task group is low Schedule is behind the original timeline.

5 Section 7: Subsea Equipment
This section will only talk about chemical injection metering valves (CIMVs). Other subsea equipment related to chemical injection systems are covered in other practices and will be referenced. This session will focus on the specification, design, testing, commissioning, and operation of the CMIVs. The draft is completed and is being reviewed by task group

6 Section 8: Materials & Fabrication
This section is focused on subsea materials. A list of typical materials/chemicals, together with a standard compatibility matrix will be developed. The system owner is responsible for ensuring that compatibility testing is conducted, which will be stated in the Interfaces section. The draft is completed and is being reviewed by task group

7 Section 9: Testing Guidance on Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT), Extended Factory Acceptance Testing (EFAT) and qualification for CIMVs is provided. Available references and typical qualification guidance is captured; the team discussed qualification matches API 17F and 17D. Minimum requirements and recommended additional tests are detailed. The draft is completed and is being reviewed by task group

8 Section 10: Commissioning, Startup & De-commissioning
Mid-level outline of document was sent for internal review Following review, development of detailed rough draft has begun. Tentative completion by 1/20. Send for review upon completion to task group. Following review, document planned to be ready for workshop in Feb. This section on track

9 Section 11: Maintenance, Field Modifications & Life Extension
Mid-level outline of document was sent for internal review Following review, edits are required for the document. Details will be added during this process. Plan to have another revision of document for review 1/27. Send for review upon completion to task group Following review, document planned to be ready for workshop  This section on track

10 Section 12: Chemical Management
This section had change of Lead two times; but current committee members are still targeting the agreed deadline. High level descriptions of four subsections are discussed and agreed. Schedule is behind the original timeline due to lack of support from the leader employer!

11 Timeline Section No/Name Target Completion
Section 4: System Definitions & Requirements Development Schedule Jul-2017 Section 5: Interfaces Oct-2017 Section 6: Surface Equipment Apr-2017 Section 7: Subsea Equipment May-2016 Section 8: Materials and Fabrication Oct-2016 Section 9: Testing May-2017 Section 10: Commissioning, Startup & De-commissioning Aug-2017 Section 11: Maintenance, Field Modifications & Life Extension Aug- 2017 Section 12: Chemical Management Feb-2017

12 Risk to Delivery Several committee members have been resigned due to other commitments, changing jobs or looking for new opportunities. It is a challenge to keep the momentum when so many changes are happening in O&G industry.

13 Future Meetings 1st Workshop was found to be very beneficial to motivate session leaders & committee members to progress the sections; as well as ensuring seamless connection between sections. A 2nd workshop is scheduled for Feb 3rd, 2017 Continue to hold monthly meetings to review the progress on each section and discuss any issues raised.

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