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Recap What year was the League of Nations set up? Why was it set up?

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Presentation on theme: "Recap What year was the League of Nations set up? Why was it set up?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap What year was the League of Nations set up? Why was it set up?
Whose idea was it? Which three countries were famously not involved in setting up? Name the 6 different departments of the League of Nations.

2 The League of Nations in Action
Learning Objective: To examine the work the League of Nations did up until 1928 and assess its effectiveness

3 Settling Disputes Vilna, 1920- Failure
The main reason why the League of Nations was set up in 1919 was to keep the peace and prevent another war from breaking out. As a result, throughout the 1920s the LON was involved in settling disputes between countries all over Europe. Vilna, Failure Upper Silesia, Partial Success Aaland Islands, Success Corfu, Failure Bulgaria, Failure

4 League of Nations – A Success?
Explain whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: The LON settled all the political problems well in the 1920s. The best work the LON did in the 1920s was through its commissions. The LON was pointless and should never have been set up.

5 Strengths of the League of Nations
-Dealing with social issues such as the improvement of living and working conditions worldwide (through ILO) -Dealing with health issues – targeted the treatment of specific diseases (e.g. leprosy) -Set up commissions that improved living conditions in poorer countries

6 The Conference of Ambassadors
1. The peace treaties created new countries and changed borders of others 2. Putting dotted line on a map was easier than working out where the boundaries lay on the ground 3. There were disputes and the League had to sort it out but it had too much to do. Therefore the Conference of Ambassadors was set up to hear disputes 4. It was NOT a body of the League of Nations but was made up of leading politicians from the main members of the League – Britain, France & Italy 5. It was closely linked to the League

7 The Geneva Protocol 1. The Corfu incident demonstrated how the League can be undermined by its own members 2. Britain and France drew up the Geneva Protocol in Protocol: if two members were in dispute, they would have to ask the League to sort out the disagreement & they would have to accept the Council’s decision 3. They hoped this would strengthen the League 4. Before the protocol came into effect, there was a change of government in Britain and they refused to sign it as the protocol could force Britain to agree to something that was not in its interests 5. Therefore the Protocol resulted in weakening the League

8 How Far did Hopes for Disarmament Succeed?
What is Disarmament? -Dismantling of armies and the breaking up of weapons to be in the position of making war impossible -Disarmament was part of collective security because if nations cut down their use of weapons, the world would be safer

9 Collective vs. Individual Security
While nations felt that collective security was good, many still wanted to focus on individual security

10 Reasons for not Disarming
Japan: Power of the Japanese Army and the need to defend Japan against European land-grabbing in the Asia-Pacific Switzerland Army was small and only big enough to defend their neutrality Poland Need to defend their new country, especially from Germany and Russia

11 German Disarmament Supervised by the League of Nations
Was slow and took advantage of several loopholes: -Trained its cut-down Army as officers so as to secretly train others to be ordinary soldiers. This training took place in Russia, under the Treaty of Rapollo.

12 Disarming the rest of the World
Military Disarmament -1923 Treaty of Mutual Assistance Countries would limit arms League of Nations would come to their assistance Very few agreed to the TMA -1924 Geneva Protocol Nations would agree to bring disputes to arbitration instead of going to war -1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact Signed by 65 nations Promised no war over the next 5 years except in self-defence


14 League of Nations – A Success?
What mark out of 10 would you give the League of Nations for its work up until 1928? 1 being useless v 10 being outstanding Explain your answer.

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