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COSC 4355/6355 Intro to Ubiquitous Computing

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Presentation on theme: "COSC 4355/6355 Intro to Ubiquitous Computing"— Presentation transcript:

1 COSC 4355/6355 Intro to Ubiquitous Computing
Prof. Ioannis Pavlidis Dinesh Majeti Ashik Khatri

2 Prerequisites Strong understanding of programming concepts
COSC 4353: Software Design

3 Course Objectives Establish a good understanding of the iOS ecosystem
Become a competent Swift programmer Gain experience in designing UI for mobile platforms Learn to work as part of a software team

4 Course Structure 15% Quizzes (individual mode)
45% (3 x 15%) In-calls programming assignments (group mode) 10% In-class interactive programming exercises (group mode) 30% Course project – semester long (group mode)

5 Quizzes 10 minute long at the start of the class. If you are late, you miss the quiz! Hand written Closed book/Internet Based on last week’s session and the reading material for the current week

6 Programming Assignments
In class (about 3hrs) Open book/Internet No help will be provided by the instructors

7 In Class Interactive Exercises
Based on the reading/practice material for the week Instructors are here to help (not complete the assignment for you) In class (about 2 hrs); round robin on group `drivers’

8 Course Project Develop project idea (first two weeks)
Submit a specification document [5%] Project specification presentation and design mock-up [5%] Midterm project demo and software [10%] Final project demo and software [10%]

9 Why iOS As of November 2016, iOS commanded 43.5% of the U.S. market
App development in Android takes 40% more code lines and is 30% more expensive than iOS Apple apps are better designed, easy to use, and are presented in a well- organized iTunes Store Apple users access more content categories and do more online shopping than Android users

10 Why Swift Swift programmers are sought after, unlike Java programmers that abound Swift is a modern language that allows the programmer to write brief and elegant code Swift has a lot of fun interactive ways to learn the language, like the Playground

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