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Library Workshop for EdD Students

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1 Library Workshop for EdD Students
24 Apr 2010 HKIEd Library

2 Outline Accessing Educational and Social Sciences Databases at HKIEd
Database in Focus ERIC SCOPUS Social Sciences Citation Index How to Export Records into RefWorks

3 HKIEd Library Website
Search for books, journals, media resources

4 E-Journals Search by Keywords Browse by Subject or Title
Citation Linker

5 How the Citation Linker works?
Is this article available in the Library? Sadler, P. M. & Good, E. (2006). The impact of self- and peer-grading on student learning. Educational Assessment, 11(1), doi: /s ea1101_1 Use Citation Linker to check availability of journal article

6 How the Citation Linker works?
Input as many essential information as you know: journal title, year, volume, issue and start page Click on any link to access full text Direct link to the e-journal article

7 Try yourself Use the Citation Linker to check if these articles are available in the Library Odafe, V. U. (2006). Oral examination in college mathematics: An alternative assessment technique. PRIMUS, 16, doi: / Jonsson, A, Baartman, L. K. J., & Lennung, S. A. (2009). Estimating the quality of performance assessments: The case of an ‘interactive examination’ for teacher competencies. Learning Environments Research, 12(3), doi: /s z

8 E-Resources Include E-Databases & E-Book Collections
Search by Keywords Browse by Subject or Title

9 E-Resources by Subject – E.g. Education

10 Major Education Databases
ERIC (via EBSCOhost) Education Research Complete ProQuest Education Journals Education Full Text

11 Other Relevant Social Sciences and Multi-disciplinary Databases
Academic Research Library (ProQuest) Academic Search Premier (EBSCOHost) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses JSOTR. Arts & Sciences Collection Social Sciences Citation Index Scopus PsycINFO / PsycArticles Sociological Abstracts Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)

12 Major Local / Chinese Databases
Dissertations and Theses Collection (DTC) 中國知網 中國期刊全文數據庫 中國優 秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 中國博士學位論文全文數據庫 臺 灣期刊論文索引系統 PerioPath Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System 中文電子期刊服務 CEPS 中文電子學位論文服務 CETD 中國學位論文全文 數據庫 華人社會教育文獻資源中心 Chinese ERIC (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 香港中文期刊論 文索引 HKInChiP

13 Database in Focus – ERIC

14 Find ERIC by Browsing "E" (or browse by education subject; or search ERIC)

15 Access to ERIC database
Enter keywords Search Results Limit your search

16 Example Your research topic: Using web-based portfolio assessment in secondary education Identify the Keywords: Web-based AND Portfolio Assessment AND secondary education Use indexes / thesaurus / descriptors to check related terms where necessary. How many records retrieved?

17 Check Library’s holdings
Example Check Library’s holdings Full Text available

18 Searching tips: Expand your search
Use “expanders” from the database search screen to expand your search Use Boolean operator “OR” to include more search terms e.g. web-based OR internet OR electronic OR digital Use truncation (*) to expand your search term in alternative way e.g. adolescen* to search for adolescent, adolescence, etc.

19 Searching tips: Narrow your search
Use “Limiter” from the database search screen to limit your search results in various way Consider the suggested “Narrow Search Results by Subject” from the search result screen Use Boolean operator “AND” to limit search results to a narrower scene e.g. peer assessment AND higher education

20 ERIC EBSCOHost Special Features – Find Similar Results (SmartText Searching)


22 Try yourself Topic: Use of scoring rubrics in mathematics education of secondary school Suggested keywords: scoring rubrics AND mathematics AND secondary education Limit your search to full text articles How many records retrieved? Try Find Similar Results (SmartText Searching)

23 Database in Focus – SCOPUS

24 What is Scopus? What can it do?
As a Comprehensive Abstracts Database ~18,000 sources (90% peer-reviewed journals) from 5,000 publishers Comprehensive coverage on Scientific, Technical, Medical and Social Sciences , Arts & Humanities area Substantial Asia-Pacific and non-US/UK sources As a Citation Analysis Tool Citations Analysis of researchers, institution, journal, research area, etc.

25 Access via E-Resources

26 Search Basics: Use Double Quotes to Search as Phrases
environmental education finds over 23,000 records

27 Search Basics: Use Double Quotes to Search as Phrases
“environmental education” reduces results to under 2,600 records

28 Search Basics: use “Keywords” instead of “Article Title, Abstracts, Keywords” for better precision

29 Search Basics: use “Keywords” instead of “Article Title, Abstracts, Keywords” for better precision
“environmental education” as KEYWORDS further reduces results to under 1,500 records

30 To Narrow Down Further: Add Search Terms; Set “Limit to” Options (by year / document type / subject areas)

31 To Narrow Down Further: Add Search Terms; Set “Limit to” Options (by year / document type / subject areas) (KEY ("environmental education") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("primary school*" OR "primary education")) AND PUBYEAR AFT 1999  31 Records Only

32 At the Results Screens: you can also change the Sorting Order (the default order is by “Date”)

33 Cited By : Find out who is citing a particular article

34 Cited By : Find out who is citing a particular article

35 Other Citation Databases Accessible to HKIEd Users
Web of Science (Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index) Academic Search Premier Google Scholar (

36 The Result Screen in Details

37 A Typical SCOPUS Record
To print, export , or create a bibliography, click Output Citation information for documents in Scopus which have cited this article since 1996. Link to Full-text only if institution has a subscription To set up a Alert or subscribe to an RSS feeds Find related documents

38 You can Output Selected Records to , Printer, Create a Reference List or Direct Export to RefWorks

39 SCOPUS Records Easily Exported to RefWorks

40 Create your Bibliography
Choose output format and Style SCOPUS also provides its own Quick Bibliography Builder

41 SCOPUS also provides its own Quick Bibliography Builder

42 Personalization Features

43 Must register own ID and log in to take advantage of personalization features

44 With your personal SCOPUS Login, you can:
Save your search history Create your saved lists Set up keyword search alerts or citation alerts

45 Search History Save your Searches

46 Set Search Alert (RSS / Email)

47 Set Citation Alert

48 Save Your List of Result

49 Save List for future reference, creating your bibliographies etc.

50 Database in Focus – Social Sciences Citation Index

51 Web of Science Track prior research and monitor current developments
Find high-impact articles Uncover relevant results in related fields Discover emerging trends Capture citation information for individuals or institutions Identify potential collaborators with significant citation records Social Sciences Citation Index – over 2,100 leading social sciences journals across 50 subjects Arts & Humanities Citation Index – over 1,160 arts & humanities journals 51

52 Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Databases
HKIEd Subscription (Archive back to 1992) Web of Knowledge Web of Science Current Contents Connect Biological Abstracts Other Databases BIOSIS Previews SSCI A&HCI SCI Expanded Index Chemicus Journal Citation Report

53 Access Social Sciences Citation Index via E-Resources

54 Feature Highlights of SSCI, A&HCI @ Web of Science
Regular Search vs Cited Reference Search Citation Analysis Tools Citation Alerts and Saved Searches Output Results to RefWorks / EndNote 54

55 A Sample Record from SSCI
This article is cited by 4 other articles Records with common references Journal’s impact factor

56 Cited Reference Search E. g
Cited Reference Search E.g. Find out who and what kind of works have cited the works of Samuel Huntington between

57 Related Record – Find out other “related” records based on common references – the more common references, the more related the articles are. Cited by Record Related record Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference

58 Analyze Results and Citation Reports

59 Analyze Results e.g. >30% of search results of “intrinsic motivation education” are related to “sports sciences”

60 Create Citation Report e. g
Create Citation Report e.g. what articles related to intrinsic motivation have been cited most?

61 Citation Report e.g. what articles related to intrinsic motivation have been cited most?

62 Citation Map

63 Citation Map allows you to quickly view the citation history – backward and forward; and identify underlying patterns visually Cited by Cited by

64 Citation Alert To receive an alert when an article on the list is cited in a new article

65 Alert

66 ResearcherID, Personal Profile, Personalized Citation Metrics

67 Export Search Results Export records to different bibliographic management tools: Export records to RefWorks at Web of Science Choose “Save to other Reference Software” Import records to RefWorks Import filter = ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) Database = Web of Science

68 Online Help

69 Exporting References to RefWorks

70 RefWorks Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool
Create your own reference databases Import references from library catalogues & databases Manage & organize your references in folders Search your references Adding your own keywords & comments Create in-text citations & reference list in preferred style Accessible by computers connected to Internet

71 Accessing RefWorks

72 Direct Export from Library Catalogue to RefWorks

73 How to Import References from Library E-resources

74 How to Import References from Library E-resources

75 Thank You! Q&A Ask your Librarian @ Information Counter Tel: 2948 6653

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