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Digital Media Technology

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1 Digital Media Technology
Week 13: LOD and Course Wrap-up Peter Verhaar

2 xml dtd php ascii tei xslt mods erd css html unicode sql

3 Similarities between technologies
Ontologies: DTD and ERD Data formats: XML or formats in relational databases Manipulations: XSLT and SQL

4 Critique of technologies
Critical thinking about tools and techniques: “Critical Digital Humanities” All techniques also have limitations; they are based on assumptions which may be questioned XML, for instance, assumes that all texts have a hierarchical structure

5 Digital Humanities Focus on the various ways in which the computer can be used to investigate traditional questions in the humanities “things […] that could not be done feasibly without the computational power and storage modern computers provide” (Philip Burns, Day of DH 2013)

6 It brings computational techniques to bear on traditional humanistic questions
It studies the phenomenon of computation from a humanities perspective, and aims to understand the implications of using computers in humanities research


8 Critical Digital Humanities
cf. Alan Liu “Where is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?” or David Berry, The Philosophy of Software Social and cultural implications of software, cf. Langdon Winner Effects on the research agenda

9 Differences with traditional research
The work is of a practical nature (‘more hack and less yack’) It leads to different (non-textual) forms of output Difficult to make such results count in assessment of scholarly productivity Collaborative form of research New questions? GIS

10 Institutionalisation at LU
Centre for Digital Humanities Leiden University Centre for Data Science Centre for Digital Scholarship GIS

11 Digital Text and Data Processing
Relatively new specialisation Distant reading; Quantitative analyses of literature Programming in Perl Statistical analyses using R No prior knowledge is needed

12 Individual research projects

13 Seminar 13 december A second ’hackathon’ Based on the same data set
Implemented as a relational database SQL to analyse the data and to make visualisations


15 BOOK_ID TITLE ISBN13 1 To Kill a Mockingbird 2 The Great Gatsby subject: “Book-ID” Predicate: “hasISBN13” Object: “ ” subject: “Book-ID” Predicate: “hasTitle” Object: “To Kill a Mockingbird”

16 The Semantic web Envisaged by Tim Berners-Lee as “a web of data that can be processed directly and indirectly by machines” RDF-Triples


18 dbPedia



21 STCN SPARQL Endpoint SELECT * WHERE { ?b dc:publisher ?p. ?p skos:prefLabel "Elzevier, Bonaventura". ?b dc:title ?t }

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