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Yaşar Tonta & Orçun Madran [yasartonta, Hacettepe University

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Presentation on theme: "Yaşar Tonta & Orçun Madran [yasartonta, Hacettepe University"— Presentation transcript:

1 BBY 464 Semantic Information Management (Spring 2016) RDF and RDF Schema
Yaşar Tonta & Orçun Madran [yasartonta, Hacettepe University Department of Information Management

2 Semantic Web

3 From Syntactic to Semantic Interoperability

4 XML: Raw data, no semantics

5 RDF “a conceptual data model which can be rendered physically (serialized) using various formats such as N3, Turtle, RDF/XML etc.” Models data in triples (subject->predicate->object) to create a graph

6 RDF triples Subject denotes the resource and the predicate expresses the relationship between the subject and the object

7 Slides from WebBackplane http://www. slideshare. net/mark








15 RDF

16 Graph

17 Köningsberg’s Seven Bridges (L. Euler-1736)

18 Graph Theory Vertex Edge Edge Edge Edge Vertex Vertex Edge Edge Edge

19 Undirected graph Directed graph

20 Slides from WebBackplane http://www. slideshare. net/mark

21 rdf:type


23 RDF Schema “a general purpose language for representing simple RDF vocabularies on the Web” Provides schema level information The elements of RDFS can be used to construct ontology Provides a mechanism for describing groups of related resources (RDF), and the relation between them RDFS is a semantic extension of RDF There are others (OWL, FOAF, etc.)

24 RDF(S): Representing objects and relations among them

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