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Blackboard Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Blackboard Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackboard Environment
Online Proctoring in a Blackboard Environment November 10, 2016

2 Agenda Introductions Online proctoring/Test-integrity solution options
Cheating findings Examity® overview Q&A 6

3 Examity® Background 6

4 Examity® Background 170+ clients include universities, corporations and K-12 Experienced Education Technology management team Proctoring 50,000+ tests per month (35% Blackboard) Test takers the Americas, EMEA & APAC 2016 – Exclusive online proctoring Premier Partner 6

5 Online Proctoring 9

6 Why Care? Because cheaters grow up….

7 Traditional Convenient VS 9

8 Traditional Comfortable VS 9

9 Traditional Online Proctoring VS

10 Distant View Up-close View VS

11 25/1 2/1 VS

12 Unrecorded Recorded VS

13 No Quality Check Quality Check VS

14 Why Institutions want Integrity Solutions
Cheating acknowledged Program Credibility Online means online Accreditation Improves enrollments Administration/faculty concerns Honest students hate cheaters Accessibility Competency = high stakes Employers want high integrity

15 Commercial Test Integrity Solutions
Lockdown browser Authentication solutions Record and Review Self service Full service Automated proctoring Live proctoring

16 Cheating Findings

17 December 2015 – Final Exams Reviewed 62,534 tests 6% violated rules
Breaking exam rules vs. Cheating

18 Top 5 most Frequent Ways Students Cheated?
Cheat Sheet: 21% Google Search/Translate: 14% Copying Test Questions for Distribution: 7% Flash Cards Hidden Beneath Keyboard: 5% Answers Hung on Walls: 3%

19 Examity® Overview

20 Examity® 11

21 Examity®- Solution Technology enabled global solution that allows institutions to administer online exams in a secure, monitored environment Flexible options - Select your own level Tailor exam rules examiLINK® integrated solution 24/7 delivery capabilities FERPA and ADA compliant 12

22 Solution Test Provider Provider creates exam
Select level of test security Input exam rules Register and schedule student Validate identity of student Monitor exam Auditor reviews and validates Dashboard for analytics 11

23 Examity®/Blackboard Integration
Exclusive online proctoring Premier Partner 30 days or less Enhanced analytics Ease of use for faculty and students Single sign-on API import of data 12

24 Thank you! 13

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