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Learning and Development Manager Belfast Trust

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Presentation on theme: "Learning and Development Manager Belfast Trust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning and Development Manager Belfast Trust
Mary Boyle Learning and Development Manager Belfast Trust

2 What we do:

3 Support Services/User Experience 9.47%
Staffing We employ 22,568 staff 58 % are full time 78% are female Nursing & Midwifery 39.4% Admin & Clerical 15.09% Professional & Tech 14.12% Social Services 12.65% Support Services/User Experience 9.47% Medical & Dental 8.2% Estates 1% Senior Executives 0.04% 22,568 staff includes full time, part time and bank staff Majority of staff are in Band 5 which is the entry level for nurses and majority of qualified professional staff. Nursing and midwifery staff are our biggest professional group with 39.4% 40% of our staff are in bands 1 to 4 which are support staff 8.20 % are Medical and Dental staff

4 Developing People Priority Areas
These are just a sample of the priority areas which have been identified in this developing people theme. If we can focus in on a few, e.g., The Staff Development Review process which is probably the most critical process for clarifying performance expectations for individuals has recently been updated and the process now integrates our Trust Values, KSF required for the post, the personal contribution framework and the personal development plan. Another priority area for the Trust is the revalidation for our nurses and midwives who make up approximately 40% of our staff. This new process will require all our nursing and midwifery staff to demonstrate how they practise safely and effectively. I am sure you will hear more about this during your onsite assessments. The increase of elearning programmes available for staff has also been a significant change since your last assessment. Elearning also supports our statutory mandatory training requirements and work in ongoing to make even more of our programmes accessible via this medium.

5 Why Staff investment is so important

6 Thank You

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