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A. Tracie Brown & Dr. Christi Buell Area Superintendents Arlington ISD

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Presentation on theme: "A. Tracie Brown & Dr. Christi Buell Area Superintendents Arlington ISD"— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Tracie Brown & Dr. Christi Buell Area Superintendents Arlington ISD
Differentiating Support to Effectively Coach & Supervise Principals A. Tracie Brown & Dr. Christi Buell Area Superintendents Arlington ISD

2 At-a-Glance 64,000+ students 76 schools 70% Eco Disadvantaged
26% English Language Learners At-a-Glance

3 Guiding Principle “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” –Harvey Firestone

4 Learning Outcomes We will share the tiered support process that principal supervisors in Arlington ISD utilize—Basic, Essential or Targeted support; We will delve into our process for identifying levels of support for campus leaders; We will share the principal coaching framework we use to strengthen instructional leadership capacity.

5 Principal Coaching & Supervision Structure
Area Superintendent Principals (18-22) Assistant Principals/Deans Cross-Departmental Team

6 Principal Supervisor Role in AISD
Primary coach of principal Serve as principal supervisor Serve on Superintendent’s cabinet Report to CAO and Superintendent Liaison between central office and campus

7 Coaching in Action… Facilitative Collaborative Consultative
Coaching Strategies Coaching stances Building Relationships Listening, Observing, Questioning Feedback Coaching Towards a Goal Facilitative Collaborative Consultative Instructive

8 Man on Fire

9 What coaching stance(s) did Denzel Washington use?
Cite specific examples.

10 The potential impact on the relationship
Content of the message The potential impact on the relationship How do we say what needs to be said in a way that supports another’s growth and maintains a positive relationship?

11 People don’t fear change. They fear loss.

12 Coaching Look & Listen. Observe. Note wonderings
Honor the present—Acknowledge successes! Identify leadership and/or performance gaps that could be addressed to advance the goals of the campus—use data to support stance Secure buy-in by collaborating with the school leader to address areas of opportunity.

13 Coaching Supports Administrative Team Coaching: Coaching session with campus administrative team. This session may include a focus on instructional observations, data analysis, continuous improvement and professional development Individual Principal Coaching: Review of goal-setting with action steps based on leadership competencies In-Action Observation: Area Superintendent serves as process-observer as the principal facilitates PLC meetings, professional development, employee relations meetings, parent meetings, administrative team meetings, etc.


15 Tiered Support Essential Basic Targeted
Revisit Campus Improvement Plan progress Collaborate with PSP to monitor school improvement plans (if applicable) Minimum of 10 hours each six weeks of campus support Process-observer for PLC, data meeting, Administrative Team Meeting, PD session and observation/feedback meeting between principal/teacher Calibrate classroom observations with Administrative Team and ICs Administrative Team Coaching sessions facilitated by Area Superintendent Cross Departmental Team support Essential Process-observer for PLC, data meeting, Administrative Team Meeting, PD session and observation/feedback meeting between principal/teacher Administrative Team Coaching session facilitated by Area Superintendent Minimum of 6 hours each six weeks of campus support Basic Minimum of 4 hours each six weeks of campus support

16 Campus Designation Level of Support Targeted Essential Basic

17 Preparing for the Coaching Session
Review previous notes from last session to help craft the new agenda Ensure there is an overarching goal/outcome for the session Identify artifacts/evidence principal may need prior to session Send out CVA at least one week prior to session. Preparing for the Coaching Session

18 Coaching for Results Identify an area of opportunity
Create a SMART goal to attain during the 6-week coaching cycle During the cycle, visit to monitor progress and provide feedback on the goal (Do not introduce or provide feedback in new area) If goal is not being reached, reevaluate goal with school leader to determine what mid-course tweaks should be attempted At the end of the coaching cycle, determine goal attainment and next steps to further develop goal.

19 Attributes of a Coaching Session
Reflection on Previous Coaching Session Purpose/ Outcomes Joint Work Teaching/ Learning Activities Feedback/ Reflection Next Steps

20 Specific goals you want to achieve during session
Purpose Overarching reason for the coaching session. It connects principal to progress toward goals Example: Improve how principal uses data to provide feedback to teachers. Outcomes Specific goals you want to achieve during session Example: Principal can connect observation and student learning data in feedback to a teacher.

21 Learning Activities Teaching/ Coaching Practices
What you will engage in to support the session outcomes and further principal’s learning. Example: Observe and analyze classroom instruction. Teaching/ Coaching Practices The “moves” the principal supervisor makes to help achieve the outcome and support principal learning. Example: Modeling, challenging conversation, using tools.

22 Joint Work The idea that both the principal supervisor and principal own and share the work in the session. Example: Co-constructing feedback session and next steps with the teacher

23 Next Steps Feedback/ Reflection
To ensure agreement on principal progress, how the session went, and planning next steps for both principal and supervisor. Example: Principal summarizes learning and identifies growth from previous session. Next Steps A plan that outlines the next steps for both the principal and supervisor as well as the date for the next coaching session. Example: Principal agrees to provide written feedback to a teacher and send supervisor for feedback.

24 Evidence Gathering Ongoing data collection of principal and school performance aligned to principal and school goals to measure progress and plan next steps. Example: Scripting principal feedback to a teacher, artifacts from a meeting, student achievement data.

25 Focus Agenda Notes Bright Spot (5 minutes)
Follow-Up from last coaching session Focus the Conversation & Explore the Current State T-PESS Domains: Standard 1 - Instructional Leadership: The principal is responsible for ensuring every student receives high-quality instruction Standard 3 – Executive Leadership: The principal models personal responsibility and a relentless focus on improving student outcomes. Deep Dive #1: Leadership Lever: Instructional Improvements (45 minutes) Coaching Support: ESSENTIAL SARAH—processing feedback Current State of Instruction (early instructional noticings/wonderings/next steps)—observation and feedback weekly target/goal (10 per admin) Tiered Teacher Support. How are supports differentiated to support needs of teachers? Deep Dive #2: Leadership Lever: T-TESS T-TESS Reinforcement & Refinement Teacher Goal-Setting Quick Hits Operational Items: (5 minutes) Bridge to Desired Outcome Create Clear Commitment/Action Step (5 minutes) Set measures Experiment Implement Measure Retool


27 Differentiate… Everyone has specific needs, challenges, and strengths that should be addressed. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to leading others!


A. Tracie Brown (682) Dr. Christi Buell (682) @AreaSupATB @ChristiBuell THANKS FOR ATTENDING!

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