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The Rise of Agile Methods

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1 The Rise of Agile Methods
Software Engineering The Rise of Agile Methods Dr Yvonne Howard:

2 Please watch these videos that show how software engineers are using Agile methods how geeks opened up government geeks-opened-up-government-video Moving to an Agile Testing Environment: What Went Right, What Went Wrong Waterfall versus Agile: A Tale of Two Teams The Rise And Fall Of Waterfall

3 Activity Think about these questions
What are the problems with traditional Software Engineering methods based on the Waterfall proposed by Royce? What problems do the introduction of agile methods solve? What are the most important features of agile methods? Research some of the agile methods e.g SCRUM, eXtreme Programming: What do they all agree on?

4 Think of some good questions to ask me on Wednesday
Dr Yvonne Howard:

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