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Comic Relief: Interactive Task 1

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Presentation on theme: "Comic Relief: Interactive Task 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comic Relief: Interactive Task 1
Objectives Produce a pitch bible for a multiplatform or digital project that takes full advantage of changes in technology and audience behaviour. Design a TV show, Radio show or web-series that sits within a larger multiplatform project

2 How are changes in audience behaviour and emerging digital technology effecting the Creative Media Industry?

3 Understanding the Market
Low Users Mainstream Medium Technology Users Advanced Leading Edge Points for overall sophistication




7 Digital Promotion Apps Game I Player Website Platforms User Generated Content


9 User generated content

10 User generated content

11 User generated content

12 Funding Micro-transactions/In-app purchases Subscription fees
Sponsorship Data Collection Advertising Investment Sales

13 Location based story telling

14 Pokémon Go! In pairs, discuss how Pokémon Go! generates income




18 Multiplatform Revenue streams Unique storytelling Project expansion
Information sharing/collection Interactivity User-lead/Personalised Real time influence Democratic/Experimental/Debate User Generated Content

19 Discussion How has the user experience of Facebook evolved and developed since its creation? How was Facebook initially used by audiences and how has this changed?

20 Pitch Bible A document that is designed to sell your concept and you.

21 Pitch Bible Overview Tagline/Logline that defines your project.
Define your world. Summarise characters and story (one paragraph per character). Enable the reader to understand the project and you as a content producer. Why should they invest?

22 Project Structure How does it work? Platform relationships.
User experience. Long term objectives. Income generation.

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