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What is the Big Bang Theory

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1 What is the Big Bang Theory
What is the Big Bang Theory? Goals: Understand the theory of how the universe was formed Understand how “Red Shift” supports the big bang theory

2 Write the following questions in your spiral.
Who discovered galaxies are moving away from us? What color are galaxies moving away from us? What is the “afterglow” left over from the big bang theory? What two things are needed to “recreate” a galaxy True or False: the universe temp. is uniform What force formed when matter gathered early on in the universe? What force “sculpted” our universe? What are the 3 theories proposed that will happen to our universe? Edwin Hubble Red Heat Hydrogen gas and gravity False: there are hot a cold spots Gravity: which attracted more matter.. Which created more gravity Dark matter It will collapse back in on itself The universe will continue to expand There will be just enough gravity that the universe will grow to a certain size and stop

3 What’s in an universe? Stars (and Sun), planets, moons, galaxies, etc.
A collection of all existing matter energy, and space Stars (and Sun), planets, moons, galaxies, etc.

4 Astronomers Think… They believe the universe was created billion years ago. Billions of years ago, the Universe was very small, ball of gas. A huge explosion, (Big Bang), sent the entire universe flying out at incredible speeds.


6 How did the big bang form galaxies?
About 200 Million years later, Hydrogen and Helium joined to form stars. Stars were drawn together by gravity to form a family of stars called- GALAXIES

7 How did the big bang form galaxies?
Within the big massive cloud of dust 4.6 billion years our cloud of dust and matter believed to collapse within itself sending out shock waves Resulting in the formation of a flatten disc shape that spun


9 How did the big bang form galaxies?
Matter began clumping in different areas of the cloud Matter left behind from the sun began clumping and pulling together Creating Enough matter collided and collected in the center and fused together from heat (energy) creating the sun Planets Moons Asteroids Dwarf planets

10 What Evidence do we have supporting a BIG BANG THEORY?
 Several scientists believe this theory based on work off Hubble’s “redshift” theory Red Shift? When the light from a galaxy is moving away from you, the wavelength light appears longer, it moves towards the red end of the spectrum. This is called RED SHIFT.

11 What’s Red Shift?? Red Shift?
When light from a galaxy is moving away from you, the wavelength of the light appears longer. On the electromagnetic spectrum red has a longer wavelength. So light from a moving away from us appears red.

12 Galaxies appear RED to us, therefore we know galaxies are moving away from a center point

13 Check for understanding
Complete the in class activity Place the images and word inserts into the correct order Then answer the following exit ticket question What are the two main elements stars are made of? Based on what you know about waves explain why the universe would continue expanding

14 Balloon Demonstration…
1. Partially inflate a balloon. Twist the opening and hold it shut. 2. Draw and label four squares A,B,C, & D on the balloon. Measure the distance between the squares. Record the data. 3. Inflate the balloon to its fullest capacity. Repeat your measurements.

15 Balloon Demonstration…
What happened to the distances between the dots as you inflated the balloon? Did some of the dots move farther apart than others? Why? Suppose the balloon represents the universe. How does this activity show what is happening to the universe and to the galaxies in it?

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