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Tri Retno Wulan, S.Pd Senior High School of Informatika Serang

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Presentation on theme: "Tri Retno Wulan, S.Pd Senior High School of Informatika Serang"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tri Retno Wulan, S.Pd Senior High School of Informatika Serang
Biology; What is study of life? Tri Retno Wulan, S.Pd Senior High School of Informatika Serang

2 The scope of biology, Biological object and cases
Introduction Test The scope of biology, Biological object and cases Index of slide Importance of bilogy Scientific work Scientific report

3 Why Study Biology?

4 Two important reasons for studying Biology:
DICTIONARY Important: penting Reason: alasan Relevant: sesuai dengan keadaan Experience: pengalaman Medical:medis Advance: kemajuan Challenge: tantangan Decreasing: turun Rate: dasar Biodiversity: keanekaragaman Dealing : berhadapan Controversial: kontropersi Endangered: terancam punah Tissue: jaringan Research: penelitian Safety: keselamatan Biology is relevant to our everyday experience Medical advances Addressing needs of growing human population Challenges of decreasing rate of biodiversity Biotechnology advances Biology can be controversial Examples: Dealing with endangered species? Use of human fetal tissue in biomedical research?

5 What is Biology? It is the study of life. Branch of science
A way of understanding nature. human endeavor An attempt to understand, explain, integrate and describe the world of living things. What is Biology? DICTIONARY Greek: Yunani Term: Terminologi Word: kata Life: hidup Studi; pelajaran Knowledge: ilmu pengetahuan Branch: Cabang A way of : Cara untuk Understanding: memahami Nature: alam Endeavor: Usaha Attemp: mencoba Explain: menjelaskan Integrate: menyatukan Describe: menggambarkan Living things: makhluk hidup The Term Biology Comes From Greek Words Life Bios Study or knowledge Logos

6 The scope of biology biology object and cases
The level of life organization Study life of group of organism Aspect of life Biology that are interdiciplinary The scope of biology biology object and cases

7 The level of organizaion
Tropical biology Ecology, envoronmental science, toxicology, marine biology, and lymnology Population biology, biogeography Developmental biology Anatomy and physiology histology cytology Molecular biology, biochemistry, genetic study The level of organizaion This picture is

8 Taxonomy sudies classification of organism
Virology studies viruses Microbiology studies microorganism, such as bactery Mycology studies mushroom, yeast and mold Botany studies plants Zoology studies animals Study life of group of organism Studies: mengkaji Classification: mengelompokan Mushroom: jamur Yeast: ragi Plant: tumbuhan Gruop; kelompok

9 The study aspect of life
Developmental biology Embriology Anatomy Physiology The study aspect of life

10 Biology that Interdiciplinary
biochemistry Biophysic Biotechnology, example make a yogurth Paleontology studies looking at fossil record Biology that Interdiciplinary

11 agriculture Animal farming Medicine Industry Importance of biology

12 agriculture Animal farming Medicine Industry

13 Scientific work Proposing a hypotesis Drawing conclutions
Performing an experiment Determining tools and material Determining variabel Drawing conclutions Scientific work Formulating a problem

14 The formulating of problem and hypothesis
Scienctific report The formulating of problem and hypothesis Aim Method Result Discussion conclution

15 Complete the following statements
Biology is derived from the word that means and that means , so in overall, biology means studies

16 Study life of group of organim
Taxonomy sudies Virology studies Microbiology studies Mycology studies Botany studies Zoology studies Study life of group of organim

17 The formulating of problem and hypothesis
Scienctific report The formulating of problem and hypothesis Method ...... Discussion

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