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Colonization and the French & Indian War

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1 Colonization and the French & Indian War

2 Colonization The first European nation to colonize the Americas was Spain First successful English colony = Jamestown, Virginia 1607 Previous attempts were epic failures Roanoke Island 1587: “the lost colony”

3 The New World

4 Players in the Government
Colonial Government Players in the Government Colonial Legislatures A group of people chosen to make laws Royal Governor The King’s representative in the colonies Salutatory Neglect A policy of loose enforcement of British laws in the colonies * Note – during the 1600s and 1700s England paid little attention to the colonies.

5 Conflicts in the New World
$ Conflicts in the New World $ England and France made alliances with Native American Tribes Both England and France wanted fur because it was in high demand in Europe. Will you be my friend and help me get fur. I will give you some of the profit! SURE!! That sounds like a fair trade SURE!! That sounds like a fair trade Will you be my friend and help me get fur? I will give you some of the profit!

6 England vs. France Both want Fur
Both want the same land to hunt and ship the fur. Competition develops in the Ohio River Valley

7 French and Indian War 1754-1763 War between England and France
Fought in the colonies (Ohio River Valley) Colonists (Americans) fought alongside the British Native Americans fought on both sides Lasted 7 years The British Won VS

8 Class Brainstorm What supplies do you need to be in a war?
In order to get all of the supplies what do you need? Why is having a war far away from home challenging?

9 Impact of the French and Indian War
Problem: Due to the war expenses, Great Britain was in debt. Evaluate this problem by completing the “What Should George Grenville Do?” handout

10 Solution: Increase in taxes to pay for war expenses
Colonist had no say in new tax laws passed by Parliament REVIEW! What are Taxes?!?! Challenge: If I buy a shirt for $10 and the tax is 8% what is the cost of the shirt?

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