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Limited Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Limited Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limited Government

2 What are the three principles of Limited Government?
Separation of Powers Checks and Balances The Federal System

3 Separation of Powers Divides the federal government into 3 parts
Legislative Branch (Congress) Executive Branch (President) Judicial Branch (Court System)

4 Separation of Powers What does each branch do?
Legislative Branch-Creates/Makes Laws Executive Branch-Executes/enforces/carries out laws Judicial Branch- Interprets Laws

5 Checks and Balances Each branch limits the power of the other branches. Examples: Congress can impeach the President President can veto bills from Congress Supreme Court can find laws unconstitutional


7 The Federal System (Federalism)
Divides power between the national (federal) government and state governments Identifies powers that belong to the federal government, state governments, and both.

8 Divided Responsibilities
Primary responsibilities of the federal government: Conduct foreign policy Regulate commerce (trade) Provide for common defense Primary responsibilities of state governments: Promote public health, safety, and welfare.


10 Types of Powers Enumerated/Expressed/Delegated Powers: Belong only to the federal government. Implied Powers: Belong only to Congress to help carry out expressed/delegated powers Reserved Powers: Belong only to states Concurrent Powers: Powers shared by National and State Governments

11 Discuss the fact that our federal system sometimes causes conflict between the national government and states. The best example of this conflict came to a head during the Civil War when states believed they had sovereignty to determine the issue of slavery within their borders. Current examples of the federalism conflict include same-sex marriage, education funding/policy, and the Affordable Care Act.

12 The Supremacy Clause Article 6, Clause 2:
The US Constitution, federal laws, and treaties are the “supreme law of the land.” State Constitutions, laws, and courts cannot contradict or be in conflict with a federal law Example: 13th Amendment-Emancipation



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