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Bacteria-Detecting Water Sensor

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1 Bacteria-Detecting Water Sensor
COLLABORATION OF Water Technology Accelerator and Rice technology Co-Authors: Marcia Silva, Dave Rice, David Garman

2 Purpose: Today, microbial drinking water quality is monitored through time-consuming laboratory. There is no real-time technology for microbial measurements. Results are thus either delayed or insufficient to support proactive action.  Reducing the rate of measurement is essential to reduce theoretical distribution of contaminated water supplies Creating an efficient and accurate device which calculates specific amount of bacterial contaminants present

3 New Testing Methods RAS (Returned Reactivated Sludge) gathered from a local wastewater treatment plant E. coli cultivated through streaking modMTEC plates Inoculations preformed with e. coli colony and LB growth media Dilution and filtration preformed to gather cfu/ml (colonies formed per milliliter) counts of bacteria

4 New Testing Method Figure 1: Novel Sensor
Figure 2: Closed System for Detection

5 New Testing Method CFU/ML calculated from samples taken during sensor readings Comparing readings to counts though trials in order to calibrate the system Figure 2: Example of a trial run

6 Results Figure 4: Two sensors when salt added, after 24 hours
Figure 5: Two sensor when salt added (expanded at the introduction of salt) one sensor had slightly delayed clock due to inaccuracies in its microcontroller

7 Discussion of Results When two sensors were placed in the same closed system, less than .3% deviation between each device A few grains of salt sprinkled creates a step in the results (see Figure 4,5) The sensor is sensitive to the smallest changes in contamination

8 Conclusion Device shows repeatability
Low or negligible instrumental error noted Accurate readings Can generate readings in less than ten seconds Through more trials, the output will be calibrated to directly display in CFU/ml(colonies formed per milliliter) Sample rate set at one minute

9 References 2. Rice Technology LLC
1. < Bo Højris, Sarah Christine Boesgaard Christensen, Hans-Jørgen Albrechtsen, Christian Smith & Mathis Dahlqvist Scientific Reports 6, Article number: (2016) 2. Rice Technology LLC

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