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Simulating the Evolution of Ant Behaviour in Evaluating Nest Sites

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1 Simulating the Evolution of Ant Behaviour in Evaluating Nest Sites
James Marshall, Tim Kovacs, Anna Dornhaus and Nigel Franks

2 Purpose of Work Use an Evolutionary Algorithm to study evolution of behaviour in real ants Note: we use EA to optimise our simulation, not to simulate real evolution Why did ants evolve this way? Are other behaviours just as good / better? What algorithms do ants use to self-organise?

3 Evolutionary Trajectory of Ants
Two approaches to simulation of evolution: simulate evolution in detail (hard!) compare specific alternative behaviours (easier)

4 Nest Size Evaluation Leptothorax albipennis appears to measure
nest volume using an algorithm called Buffon’s needle Each ant makes 2 visits to potential nest: - Visit 1: lay pheromone trail - Visit 2: assess pheromone density Between visits ant returns to old nest site

5 Movement of a Real Ant Figure from: Mallon, E.B. and Franks, N.R. Ants Estimate Area Using Buffon’s Needle. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267(2000)

6 1-pass vs 2-pass Evaluation of Nest Size
Why visit potential nest twice? Nest relocation often occurs in response to attacks and is time-critical Why not do both steps during same visit?

7 Experiments Simulate nest size evaluation and compare
1-pass and 2-pass strategies. Most importantly: does 1-pass work? i.e. can we implement Buffon’s needle with it? Also: which classifies nest size more reliably? which requires less time in nest?

8 Experimental Details Assumptions:
Ant movement is a constrained random walk Ants measure pheromone density using an arousal level increase level when trail crossed decrease level on all time steps

9 Experimental Details 3 sizes of square nest used
Half of ants use 1-pass and half use 2-pass Ants evolve the following characteristics: total time spent in nest t arousal decay rate classification divisor d

10 Experimental Details Ant converts arousal level at end of visit to size classification e using e = (c-1) -min[int(r/d), c-1] where c is number of size categories (3), r is arousal level and d is classification divisor

11 Fitness Calculation An ant’s fitness is given by: f = -q |e - s| - t
where q = 1000 provides selective pressure towards assessment quality s is actual nest size and t is time spent in nest

12 Evolutionary Algorithm
Rank population by fitness cull least fit 1/3 of population replace with offspring from fittest 2/3 Generate offspring: Apply uniform crossover to adjacently ranked pairs of ants with probability 10% Mutate with probability 1%: change value uniformly at random by up to 10%

13 Results No significant difference between 1 and 2- pass in:
number of trials which reached 100% accuracy number of generations needed to reach it total time spent in nest Conclusion: Buffon’s needle can be implemented with 1-pass But 1-pass spent no less time in nest Perhaps our simulation didn’t capture something important

14 Discussion Note that 2-pass requires time to make an extra trip to potential nest, so 1-pass is faster Why do ants use 2-pass? Evolutionary accident? Maybe ants can’t lay and detect pheromones simultaneously We’ve shown 2-pass isn’t necessary algorithmically

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