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Living in groups also has benefits and costs.

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Presentation on theme: "Living in groups also has benefits and costs."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEY CONCEPT Social behaviors enhance the benefits of living in a group.

2 Living in groups also has benefits and costs.
Social behaviors evolve when the benefits of group living outweigh its costs. benefits: improved foraging, reproductive assistance, reduced chance of predation costs: increased visibility, competition, disease contraction

3 Social behaviors are interactions between members of the same or different species.
Animals use communication to keep in contact. visual sound touch chemical

4 Courtship displays are used to evaluate the fitness of a potential mate.

5 In altruism, an individual reduces its own fitness to help other members of its social group.
These behaviors benefit other group members at a cost to the individual performing them.

6 Eusocial behavior is an example of extreme altruism.
Eusocial species live in large groups of mostly nonreproductive individuals. Dedicates oneself to group. wasps, bees, ants, naked mole rats Minor worker Major worker Queen

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