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Presentation on theme: "PEOPLE MANAGEMENT SKILL"— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction People Management Skill means ability to manage or lead a group of people in effective way The ability to maintain good human relations is an essential art, which has to be developed, if one is to be a good leader. Since the main duty of a leader is to deal with people, he will need to develop the art of maintaining good human relations, because as a leader or a manager he will frequently need to deal with a wide variety of people such as customers, dealers, raw material supplier, staff, members etc.

3 “Every single aspect of what we do at work comes down to people and managing people, selling to people, working with people or making them to what you want them to do.” Therefore, today leadership is all about getting along with people A good leader will know each and every member of his team and will create a conducive atmosphere in the organisation so that the abilities of each junior staff will flourish with a sense of ownership and belongings Abhishek Ratna says→

4 Why do we need people skills?
We need each other. Tarzan would have been a very boring story without Jane, Boy and Cheetah. And anyone who claims to be self-made man or woman doesn’t know much about biology. Imagine living a life on your own, shying away from the rest of the world. This seems impossible as majority of what you do every single is to interact and communicate with people in one way or another.

5 People interact in just about any situation, yet because every individual has a unique personality, the ability to deal with others also varies from one person to another.

6 What people skills is about?
Developing People Skills Is Not Just About Making A Lot Of Friends. You Cannot Expect Everyone To Become Your Friend Or Even To Like You. Rather, it is about proper interaction or socialization in both personal and professional aspect, benefiting your personal and work goals, and fulfilling your needs. you may have encountered some people who have a way of dealing with different types of individuals with different personalities effectively. Yet, it takes sustained practice and a constant application of the skill with good exposure to become effective at it. These individuals have mastered people skill over time and experience. People skill is not only for a select few; anyone can acquire and develop this personal ability with practise and application.

7 Pre-requisites in developing people skills
1. Communication Skill 2. Listening and Understanding Skill 3. Team working skill 4. Personality skill Pre-requisites in developing people skills 6. Persuasion and negotiation skill 5. Conflict resolution skill 7. Giving and receiving feedback skill 8. Networking skill

8 Inspire Influence 3. Develop 4. Initiate change The essence of people management skill 5. Manage conflict 6. Establish teamwork

9 Presenters: Group 8. Norina, Omega, Payel, Sist. Pabila and Millar.


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