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Collections, Preservation & Conservation

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1 Collections, Preservation & Conservation

2 Collections, preservation & conservation
Susie Bioletti, TCD ( Chair) John Cremin, TCD (web liaison) Siobhan Fitzpatrick, RIA (Sponsor) Elaine Harrington, UCC Eoin McCarney, UCD Ann McSweeney, DIT Hugh Murphy, NUI Maynooth Mary O’Doherty RCSI Deirdre Wildy, QUB Collections, preservation & conservation

3 Collections, preservation & conservation
Strategic Plan 2013 – 2016 : Purpose This 3 year strategy supports the strategic purpose of CONUL: To develop and improve the library and information services of the CONUL members through the exchange of experience and the organisation of cooperative activities, while providing information to external agencies where appropriate for the advancement of library cooperation in Ireland. Specifically, this group will examine CONUL collections, special and otherwise, with a view to identifying their accessibility, condition, preservation and other needs. This group will also investigate the current storage requirements of CONUL libraries. Collections, preservation & conservation

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Strategic objectives 1. Identify Unique & Distinct Collections in member institutions, to ensure the preservation needs of the collections are promoted, along with the scholarly and cultural value of the collections. 1.1 Provide a short report on Unique and Distinct Collection’s with description and approximate size (T&F) 1.2 Establish and implement a method to document the condition profile of the collections (T&F) 1.3 Review accessibility of collections – through records, catalogues, surrogate (T&F) 1.4 Report on national or international relevance of CONUL UDC’s (to be included in UCD data to be gathered under 1.1) Collections, preservation & conservation

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2. Identify skills gap in member institutions with regards to Preservation & Conservation (staff, equipment, budget, support) to enable cooperation, skills transfer, and access to professional advice for all Libraries 2.1 Review the size and scope of CONUL conservation departments, and their capacity to provide services to CONUL members (T&F) 2.2 Identify annual preservation training requirement and costs, with a view to promoting prioritised programmes through the CPD sub- group (T&F) 2.3 Report on the scope and annual budget for a contract Conservation Officer for CONUL (weeks per year) (T&F) Collections, preservation & conservation

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3. Ensure that the storage requirements of all media formats in CONUL libraries is in the forefront of Library planning, and that progress is made towards providing facilities of the appropriate standard for the preservation and access to the collection. 3.1 assess existing report/s on the status of storage, including the quality of facilities, across all media (T&F) 3.2 report on the gap between existing and required storage (T&F) Collections, preservation & conservation

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4. Collection development, to support CONUL in the promotion of its Unique and Distinctive Collections. 4.1 Identify the collecting policies across CONUL Libraries, and review drivers required to sustain development of UDC’s in a competitive market, within recessionary constraints and taking note of budgets. 4.2 Review legal deposit requirements/issues particularly electronic Legal Deposit insofar as legal deposit pertains to collection development. Collections, preservation & conservation

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PROGRESS 2013 1.1 Data in RASCAL is being checked. 1.3 Template is being re-purposed to include digital collections. To be circulate to all libraries. 2.2 Training on storage enclosures and housing solutions for 2014. 3.1 Distributed Print Archive – status report and progression issues are being identified. DPA libraries are being contacted to establish the status of the DPA Project in their institutions. 4.1 Collecting policies are being collated. Collections, preservation & conservation

9 Collections, preservation & conservation
You will hear from us soon ….. Collections, preservation & conservation

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