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Published byBartholomew Alexander Modified over 6 years ago
Agendas in Reverse Order from Most Recent to Earliest
TUESday, OcTober 11-B Day Reading Time Vocab Activity
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Identify new words and their meanings from context in LOF Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Vocab Activity Stephen King Article LOF By The End of Class Today I have identified and illustrated at least two of the LOF vocabulary words
FrIday, October 7-A Day Reading Time LOF Vocab Packets
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Identify SAT vocab words in LOF Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time LOF Vocab Packets Stephen King’s Forward to LOF By The End of Class Today I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word from my free reading
THURSday, OcTober 6-B Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Identify new words and their meanings from context in LOF Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Laptops: Dialectical Journals Vocab Activity By The End of Class Today I have finished or nearly finished my dialectical journal and set up my account
WeDNESday, October 5-A Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Demonstrate knowledge of key terms and phrases from the text Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Reading Check Group QZ-Ch. 5- 8 LOF- Themes/Tribes By The End of Class Today I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word from my free reading
TUESday, OcTober 4-B Day Reading Time Reading CK QZ (Group) Ch. 5-8
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Demonstrate knowledge of key terms and phrases from the text Essential Questions How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Reading CK QZ (Group) Ch. 5-8 Laptops—MLA Template for Dialectical Journal By The End of Class Today I have collaborated with my group to identify and analyze quotations from the text
Monday, October 3-A Day Reading Time WN-Dialectical Journal
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Continue drafting dialectical journal Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? QZ (Group Reading Check Ch will be on WEDNESDAY) Daily Agenda Reading Time WN-Dialectical Journal Set up accounts By The End of Class Today I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word from my free reading
FRIday, September 29-B Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Type/Revise dialectical journal Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Laptops—MLA Template for Dialectical Journal By The End of Class Today I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word from my free reading
THURSday, September 29-A Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Draft dialectical journal Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time WN-Dialectical Journal “Unpack” Chapter 5 in Tribes By The End of Class Today I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word from my free reading
WEDNESday, September 28-B Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Draft dialectical journal Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time WN-Dialectical Journal “Unpack” Chapter 5 in Tribes By The End of Class Today I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word from my free reading
TUESday, September 27-B Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Group LOF QZ Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Collaborate with Tribe members for Group QZ Ch 1-4 Find Quotation to use for Dialectical Journal next class By The End of Class Today I have demonstrated my knowledge of Ch. 1-4 of LOF I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word—plus one quotation in my WN
TUESday, September 27-A Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Group LOF QZ Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Collaborate with Tribe members for Group QZ Ch 1-4 Find Quotation to use for Dialectical Journal next class By The End of Class Today I have demonstrated my knowledge of Ch. 1-4 of LOF I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word—plus one quotation in my WN
Monday, September 26-B Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Group LOF QZ Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading Time Collaborate with Tribe members for Group QZ Ch 1-4 Find Quotation to use for Dialectical Journal next class By The End of Class Today I have demonstrated my knowledge of Ch. 1-4 of LOF I have recorded at least one SF trick and one vocabulary word—plus one quotation in my WN
Your Name _____________________________
Today’s Date___________ Your Block ______ Book Title________________________________ Author ____________________________ Passage or Quotation you have selected: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Page Number from where you found the passage/quotation: _________ Briefly introduce the context of the quotation or passage---for example: “At this point in the story, Character X is __________ and says the following__________” Respond to the quotation with an eye for the language, style, and conventions the author is using---free write your response, yet try to indent for paragraphs and be analytical and thoughtful. Why is this particular quotation/scene/passage interesting or meaningful to you? How is the author’s use of literary terms, writing style, or other devices effective? (Hint—look for Smiley Face writing strategies here) How does the author’s style (diction and syntax) contribute to a deeper meaning?
Friday, September 23-A Day
Daily Agenda ReadingTime Summarize and Share Articles from Wed Review SF Tricks through LOF Reading/Dialectical Journal By The End of Class Today I have demonstrated my knowledge and identification of SF tricks I have summarized my article about a Global Goals initiative Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Share GlobalGoals Articles LOF –SF Tricks Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing?
THURsday, September 22-B Day
Daily Agenda Share Tribe Posters/News Articles Open WN Quiz Goals—Writing Sample By The End of Class Today I have demonstrated my knowledge and identification of SF tricks I have composed a writing sample in which I describe my goals for the year using the Magic 3 strategy Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Share Tribe Posters and Articles from Hmwk Take WN Open QZ Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing?
WEDNEsday, September 21-A Day
Due Today: News Article/QZ Daily Agenda Reading/Writing Time Open WN Quiz Goals—Writing Sample By The End of Class Today I have demonstrated my knowledge and identification of SF tricks I have composed a writing sample in which I describe my goals for the year using the Magic 3 strategy Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Share Tribe Posters and Articles from Hmwk Take WN Open QZ Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing?
Tuesday, September 20-B Day
Daily Agenda Reading SSR Finish/Share Tribe Posters Continue LOF introduction Respond to quotation/video By The End of Class Today I have responded to a quotation about LOF I have collaborated with my tribe to prepare a team poster Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Provide Background for LOF Finish Tribe Posters Begin Chapter 1 of LOF Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing?
Monday, September 19-A Day
Daily Agenda Reading SSR World Lesson: g/ GzqOV_e4 LOF Background Share Tribe Posters WN: Lollipop Moment Video: CBrkrFrBE By The End of Class Today I will have considered leadership in new context I will take home my writer’s notebook to continue my vocab search/SF search-QZ next class Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Provide Background for LOF Share Tribe Posters WN: Lollipop Moments Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing?
Monday, September 19-A Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Provide Background for LOF Share Tribe Posters WN: Lollipop Moments Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading SSR LOF Background Share Tribe Posters WN: Lollipop Moment Video By The End of Class Today I will have considered leadership in new context I will take home my writer’s notebook to continue my vocab search/SF search-QZ next class
Friday, September 16-B Day
Daily Agenda Reading SSR Finish SF Trick Introductions Assign Books-LOF Background Prepare Tribe Posters Begin Chapter 1 By The End of Class Today I will have helped generate a “tribe” name I will have been introduced to LOF I will take home my writer’s notebook to continue my vocab search/SF search Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Provide Background for LOF Prepare Tribe Posters Begin Chapter 1 of LOF Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing?
THURSday, September 15h-A Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Provide Background for LOF Prepare Tribe Posters Begin Chapter 1 of LOF Essential Questions What does it take to be a good leader? How can attention to an author’s words help me improve my own writing? Daily Agenda Reading SSR Assign Books-LOF Background Prepare Tribe Posters Begin Chapter 1 By The End of Class Today I will have helped generate a “tribe” name I will have been introduced to LOF I will take home my writer’s notebook to continue my vocab search/SF search
WEDneSday, September 14h-B Day SPARTAN SEMINAR DAY
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Provide Background for LOF Set Up Tribes for Research Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? Daily Agenda Reading SSR SF Tricks-Review/Check Books Form “tribes” to complete background research activities By The End of Class Today I will have discussed aspects of leadership that are important to me I have responded to a provocative quotation
Tuesday, September 13h-a Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina Provide Background for LOF Set Up Tribes for Research Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? Daily Agenda Reading SSR Form “tribes” to complete background research activities WN: Respond to Quotation By The End of Class Today I will have discussed aspects of leadership that are important to me I have responded to a provocative quotation
Monday, September 12th-B Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina WN: Respond in writing to a provocative quotation Begin Intro to LOF Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? What characteristics do we expect of our leaders? Daily Agenda Reading SSR (Take 20!) LOF Anticipation Questions/Discussion WN: Respond to Quotation By The End of Class Today I will have discussed aspects of leadership that are important to me I have responded to a provocative quotation
Agree? or Disagree? 1. ________When given a chance, people often single out and degrade another to improve themselves. 2. ________Society is what holds everyone together and without these conditions, our ideals, values, and the basics of right and wrong are lost. 3. ________The power of fear and control can overwhelm a person. 4. ________If humanity is to survive, innocence may have to be sacrificed. 5. ________When the institutions of law and order slip away or are ignored, human beings revert to a more primitive part of their nature. 6. ________Whenever groups of people coexist, there will be a struggle for power. 7. ________It’s better to examine the consequences of a decision before it is made, than to discover them afterwards. 8. ________ Children are capable of horrific behavior. 9. ________ Everyone is capable of murder. 10. ________ The reason most people hunt is that they need the meat.
WN—Respond to Quotation
A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be. Rosalyn Carter
Friday, September 9th-A Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina WN: Respond in writing to a provocative quotation Begin Intro to LOF Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? What characteristics do we expect of our leaders? Daily Agenda Reading SSR (Take 20!) LOF Anticipation Questions/Discussion WN: Respond to Quotation By The End of Class Today I will have discussed aspects of leadership that are important to me I have responded to a provocative quotation
Thursday, September 8th-B Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina WN: Pick-a-Card Take Diagnostic Grammar Quiz Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? What do I already know about grammar, and how does it help me to be a better writer? Daily Agenda Reading SSR (Take 20!) Diagnostic Grammar Quiz WN: Pick-a-Card By The End of Class Today I will demonstrate my working knowledge of grammatical correctness I have set a new goal for reading
Wednesday, September 7th-A Day
Today’s Objective Build reading stamina WN: Pick-a-Card Take Diagnostic Grammar Quiz Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? What do I already know about grammar, and how does it help me to be a better writer? Daily Agenda Reading SSR (Take 20!) Diagnostic Grammar Quiz WN: Pick-a-Card By The End of Class Today I will demonstrate my working knowledge of grammatical correctness I have set a new goal for reading
Tuesday, September 6th Today’s Objective
Hyphenated Modifier Smiley Face Trick WN: Reading Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? How can I use new strategies to improve my writing? Daily Agenda Video Writer’s Notebook: Myself as a Reader Smiley Face tricks Library/Reading Time By The End of Class Today I know at least two SF tricks I have selected a book to read for pleasure I have set a new goal for reading
Friday, September 2nd Today’s Objective
Hyphenated Modifier Smiley Face Trick WN: Reading Essential Questions How can reading for pleasure help me learn more about myself? How can I use new strategies to improve my writing? Daily Agenda Video—High School Readers Writer’s Notebook: Myself as a Reader Smiley Face tricks Library/Reading Time By The End of Class Today I know at least two SF tricks I have selected a book to read for pleasure I have set a new goal for reading
Writer’s Notebook— MY Name
What’s in a Name? Names are an integral part of who we are. They shape our sense of who we are. Explore your feelings about the unity between yourself and your name. Are these the names you would have chosen for yourself? Is there a story behind your name? Someone famous, a family member, some significance to weird initials---some symbolic meaning? Is it ethnic or historic or literary? Did your parents consider other names? In short, how do you live with your name?
Thursday, September 1st Today’s Objective
Setting up our Writer’s Notebook Introducing Smiley Face Tricks My Name—Writing Prompt Essential Questions How can writing help me learn more about myself? How can I use new strategies to improve my writing? Daily Agenda Magic Three Poem Assignment-Parallelism review Writer’s Notebook Smiley Face tricks Prompt:“How do I Live with my Name”? By The End of Class Today I have learned the names of two new people I know at least two SF tricks I have completed my first in- class writing assignment
Wednesday, August 31 Today’s Objective
Setting up our Writer’s Notebook Introducing Smiley Face Tricks My Name—Writing Prompt Essential Questions How can writing help me learn more about myself? How can I use new strategies to improve my writing? Daily Agenda Magic Three Poem Assignment-Parallelism review Writer’s Notebook Smiley Face tricks Pick-a-Prompt By The End of Class Today I have learned the names of two new people I know at least two SF tricks I have completed my first in- class writing assignment
Writer’s Notebook– My Reading History
When was the last time you remembered reading for enjoyment? Today? Yesterday? This past summer? Last year? In elementary school? Never? Describe your relationship with books. How satisfied are you with your ability to read and understand what you read? What would you like to be able to do when it comes to reading? What was the last book you remember enjoying? Describe your past history of reading experiences. What benefits do you see for those who enjoy reading and who read well? How important is reading?
Tuesday, August 30 Today’s Objective Introductions Website
Class Particulars Essential Questions What can I expect in class this year? How are first impressions helpful or harmful? How can writing help me learn more about myself? Daily Agenda Name Cards/Seating My Intro Bio Poem Assignment Memory Game By The End of Class Today I have learned the names of two new people I have begun my list poem I know a few things about Mrs. Fossum
Monday, August 29 Today’s Objective Introductions Website
Class Particulars Essential Questions What can I expect in class this year? How are first impressions helpful or harmful? How can writing help me learn more about myself? Daily Agenda Name Cards/Seating My Intro Bio Poem Assignment Memory Game By The End of Class Today I have learned the names of two new people I know the homework for Friday I know a few things about Mrs. Fossum
English 10 Honors Fossum—Room 203
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