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Pictures of the city are called…

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Presentation on theme: "Pictures of the city are called…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pictures of the city are called…

2 Cities are urban places.

3 Which of these cityscapes was painted by a man and which was painted by a woman?

4 How are they alike and how are they different?
How about the place? How about the space? How about the colors? (Warm/Cool or Dark/Light) Which one is more realistic? Why? What are the spatial indicators in common with Grant Wood’s Stone City Iowa?

5 Which of these cityscapes do you think were made by Georgia O’Keeffe
Which of these cityscapes do you think were made by Georgia O’Keeffe? (Style)

6 Opposite, Subjects of Art?
Which shows deep space? Which is the landscape? Which one is urban? Which one is stylized? Which one is absolutely realistic? Which is rural? Which one is a cityscape?

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