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Penn State University Hot Work Permits
Environmental Health and Safety 6 Eisenhower Parking Deck University Park, PA
Hot Work Goals and Objectives: At the end of this program you will:
- Recognize work that requires the use of Hot Work Permits. - Be familiar with and able to implement the PSU Hot Work Permit Process.
What is Hot Work? Definition:
Hot Work is any work using open flames or sources of heat that could ignite materials in the work area.
Hot Work Examples of hot work are: welding burning brazing
propane soldering oxyacetylene cutting grinding ferrous metals torch applied roofing heat gun
Hot Work Why Hot Work Permits?
Every year fires related to hot work activities occur causing significant property damage and business interruption. Many of these fires could have been prevented if employees and contractors had used appropriate fire prevention measures while conducting hot work. During a recent 5 year period FM Global reported that after Arson and Housekeeping, Hot Work was the third leading cause of fires in FM insured properties with an average fire loss totalling $1.4 million dollars per incident. Penn State University requires the use of the Hot Work Permit system as a primary tool for preventing the outbreak of fire due hot work operations.
Fire Potential Heat Source Temp * Ignition Temp *
Electric Arc Welder : 10,900ºF O2 / Acetylene Torch : 6,330ºF Propane Torch : 3,595F Welding Torch Slag : >2,000ºF Electric Heat Gun : 600 – 1,350ºF Radial Metal Cut Saw : >1,000ºF Wheel Grinder : 1,000ºF Ignition Temp * Styrene : 914ºF Typical Asphalt : 905ºF Polyurethane Foam : 824ºF Lubricating Oil : ºF Mineral Spirits : 473ºF Wood Products : ºF Corrugated Paper : ºF * Information provided by FM Global
Is Hot Work Necessary?? Question to Ask: Can the job be avoided or is there a safer way? Before beginning any hot work, ask yourself if the work can be done a safer way. Hot work is potentially very hazardous and should be avoided if not absolutely necessary.
Work that may not require the use of a hot work permit includes:
Areas that are maintained and identified as: - Welding Shops - Maintenance shops with designated areas for hot work activities Work on equipment (ex. Farm Implements) occurring in areas outside of buildings where the potential for fire development is minimal.
Starting the Process Procedures:
Before beginning hot work a hot work permit must be completed. Permits can be obtained from your supervisor or the Penn State Environmental Health and Safety Hot Work Permit site at
Hot Work Permit WARNING! HOT WORK IN PROGRESS WATCH FOR FIRE! In case of FIRE call 911 Emergency Numbers: PSU Police EHS OPP Service Desk Permits are issued for the specific job being done, and for a specific time period. The time period is usually for the working shift, but may never exceed twenty-four hours. Completed Permits need to be displayed in the hot work area.
Hot Work Safety Precautions
Required Safety Precautions Fire suppression sprinklers, fire hoses or fire extinguishers are available and operable. Hot work equipment is operable and in good repair. Smoke / fire detectors in the immediate area of the hot work have been temporarily disabled until the hot work is complete. Building occupants have been protected or isolated from the hot work area. Drums, barrels and tanks have been cleaned and purged of flammables and toxics, all tank feeds are closed, and the tank is vented. The employee performing the Hot Work has the responsibility to verify that all necessary precautions have been taken at the worksite.
Safety Precautions (cont’d)
Are Fire Suppression Sprinklers in service ? Welding and other hot work have been found to be a leading cause of fires in University settings. Sprinkler systems should remain in service in the hot work area, unless specifically approved by the EH&S Fire Protection Engineer. If a sprinkler system needs to be taken out of service, Campus specific procedures must be followed.
Safety Precautions (cont’d)
Is cutting and welding equipment in good repair ? Gas hoses, backflow preventers, fire resistive tarpaulins, curtains and other cutting and welding equipment must be maintained in good repair.
Safety Precautions (cont’d) Anything that can burn must be removed or protected from the immediate work area. Requirements within 35 feet: Area within 35 feet of the work area has been properly swept to remove any combustible debris. Flammable and ignitable materials and debris have been moved at least 35 feet from the hot work area or covered and protected with fire resistant materials. Cracks or holes in floors, walls and ceilings (including ductwork) are covered or plugged. Combustible floors covered with fire-resistive material Requirements within 50 feet: Explosives, compressed gas cylinders or stored fuel have been moved at least 50 feet from the hot work area or have been protected from the hot work. Work on walls or Ceilings Construction is noncombustible and has no combustible covering or insulation. Areas adjacent to walls being worked on are checked for combustibles and any combustibles are either removed or protected.
Fire Watch Fire Watch Fire watch will be provided during and for at least 30 minutes after work, and during any coffee or lunch breaks. Fire watch is supplied with suitable extinguishers, or charged small hose. Fire watch is trained in use of this equipment and in sounding alarm. Fire Watch Personnel's main responsibility is to monitor the area for the possible development of fire from the hot work. Other job tasks can be performed as long as they are able to adequately monitor the area for potential fire. Fire Watch Personnel must be trained to use fire extinguishers or other fire extinguishing equipment that is present. Fire Watch Personnel must be aware of how to report emergencies and to activate building fire alarm systems. Fire Watch Personnel must be identified and their qualifications verified prior to commencing hot work.
Fire Watch (cont’d) Fire Watch required during Hot Work and a minimum of 30 minutes following completion of work. Yes ____ No ____ Name: ___________________________ A fire watch is needed for all hot work activities unless the hot work area has no fire hazards or combustible exposures. The fire watch must have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and be trained in its use. They must also be familiar with the procedures for sounding an alarm in the event of a fire. The fire watch will watch for fires in the exposed areas and are responsible for extinguishing spot fires and communicating alarms immediately. The fire watch may be assigned other work duties while in the hot work area, however they need to be vigilant in watching for fires. Should other precautions fail, trained personnel will be needed with fire fighting equipment to extinguish any fires which start. Personnel and equipment must be readily available before hot work is started.
Hot Work Completion When work is completed: Inspected work area, and any potentially affected surrounding areas, for fire, fire damage, or potential for fire. Reactivated smoke / fire detectors that were disabled because of the hot work. I verify that the above location has been examined and the necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the outbreak of fire due to Hot Work. Employee Signature (Issued): ____________________________ Date: ___________Time: ______ Employee Signature (Closed): ____________________________ Date: __________ Time: ______ Supervisor Signature: ________________________________Date: ___________ This Permit is valid only for the day issued Before leaving the area for the day, verify that no smoldering fires have developed within walls, cracks in floors, or in ceiling areas where you have been working. Return the Hot Work permit to your supervisor to sign, file a copy and and forward to EHS.
Summary All employees expected to perform hot work must be familiar and trained in Hot Work Procedures. Jobs like electric arc welding, brazing, gas soldering, oxygen- acetylene cutting, welding and torch applied roofing work may require the use of a hot work permit. Permits are issued for a specific job and for a specific time frame. All necessary equipment must be on site and in good working order before work begins. A fire watch must be present for the duration of hot work and for at least 30 minutes after work is completed.
Summary (cont’d) An inspection to ensure there is no sign of smoke or fire must be conducted by the person doing the hot work before leaving the job site. Completed Permits are to be returned to supervisors. By following safe hot work practices and procedures you will help maintain a fire safe environment for the Penn State University Community.
Environmental Health and Safety 6 Eisenhower Parking Deck
Resources To view the entire Penn State Hot Work Program go to: If you have any questions concerning Hot Work procedures contact your Supervisor, Safety Officer or Environmental Health and Safety. Steve Triebold Environmental Health and Safety 6 Eisenhower Parking Deck University Park, PA
Program developed by: Environmental Health and Safety Penn State University University Park, PA
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