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4th Grade Pacing Guide Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

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Presentation on theme: "4th Grade Pacing Guide Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday"— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Grade Pacing Guide 2017-2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Dates to Remember: Preplanning- 8/1-4/17 District Professional Learning- 8/1/17 First Day of School-8/7/17 Pre-Unit: Nature of Science In this unit students will focus on……. Scientific Method Graphing Metric Measures Unit 1: Stars and Our Solar System Technology to Observe Distant Objects Stars Planets Solar System Rotation and Revolution Phases of the Moon Seasonal Changes 1 2 3 4 7 Lab Safety & Tools 8 Nature of Science Class Science Fair Projects 11 14 Introduction to Telescope Technology S4E1a. 15 Compare and Contrast Technological Advances 16 Physical Attributes of Stars and Planets S4E1b,c,d 17 18 21 GREATEST EVENT OF THE CENTURY 2017 GET ECLIPSED 22 23 Understanding Star Brightness S4E1b. 24 25 28 29 30 Strengths and Limitations of Our Solar System S4E1d 31 District Professional Learning Pre-planning Pre-Unit: Nature of Science Unit 1: Telescopic Technology and Introduction of Solar System (S4E1a) Revised June 2017 Unit 1: Stars and Planets (S4E1b-c) Unit 1: Solar System (S4E1d)

2 4th Grade Pacing Guide 2017-2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Dates to Remember: Labor Day(School Closed)-9/4/17 Progress Reports-9/6/17 Preplanning- 8/1-4/17 District Professional Learning- 8/1/17 First Day of School-8/7/17 Unit 1: Stars and Our Solar System In this unit students will focus on……. Technology to Observe Distant Objects Stars Planets Solar System Rotation and Revolution Phases of the Moon Seasonal Changes 1 Strengths and Limitations of Our Solar System S4E1d 4 Effects of the Position and Motion (Day and Night) S4E2a. Effects of the Effects of the 8 (Patterns) 11 12 13 Affects of Seasonal Changes 14 15 18 Final Assessment 3D Student Assessment Product 19 20 21 22 25 Buffer Week 26 27 28 29 Unit 1: Day and Night Changes (S4E2a) Unit 1: Day and Night Changes (S4E2a) Unit 1: Day and Night Changes (S4E2a) Revised June 2017 Unit 1: Phases of the Moon (S4E2b) Buffer Week

3 4th Grade Pacing Guide 2017-2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Dates to Remember: District Professional Learning(Student Holiday)-10/6/17 Columbus Day(School Closed)-10/9/17 End of 1st Nine Weeks-10/11/17 Beginning 2nd Nine Weeks-10/12/17 ES Early Release /18-19,2017 Report Cards-10/19/17 1st Nine Weeks Lab Documentation Due-10/19/17 Unit 1: Stars and Our Solar System (Continued) In this unit students will focus on……. Seasonal Changes Unit 2: Weather and Water States of Matter Flow of Thermal Energy Water Cycle Weather Instruments Weather Maps and Data Clouds and Precipitation Weather and Climate 2 Intro to States of Matter: Solid to a Liquid 3 States of Matter: Liquid to a Gas 4 5 6 9 10 Intro to water cycle 11 Pathways of water 12 13 16 Instruments used to gather weather data 17 18 The use of instruments to make forecasts 19 20 23 How to read a weather map 24 Identifying fronts 25 Understanding temperatures, pressure, and precipitation 26 Interpreting data 27 Using data to make predictions 30 Identifying types of clouds 31 District Professional Learning Unit 2: Flow of Energy and Water Cycle Pathways Unit 2: Water Cycle and Pathways Unit 2: Weather Instruments Revised June 2017 Unit 2: Weather Maps and Data Unit 2: Types of Clouds and Precipitation

4 4th Grade Pacing Guide 2017-2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Dates to Remember: Progress Report-11/1/17 Veteran’s Day(School Closed)-11/10/17 Thanksgiving(School Closed)-11/20-24,2017 Unit 2: Weather and Water (Continued) In this unit students will focus……. Water Cycle Weather Instruments Weather Maps and Data Explain Climate change Explain the Difference between weather and climate 1 Differentiate the types of precipitation 2 3 6 Explain weather 7 Explain climate 8 Connecting Prior Learning Relationship between weather, Climate and the Water Cycle 9 Connecting Prior Learning 10 13 Final 3D Task Student Assessment Product 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 Buffer Week 28 29 30 Unit 2: Types of Clouds and Precipitation Unit 2: Differentiating Weather and Climate Unit 2: Revised June 2017 Unit 2: Buffer Week

5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4th Grade Pacing Guide Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dates to Remember: End of 2nd Nine Weeks-12/21/17 Christmas/Winter Break(School Closed)-12/22/17-1/8/18 1st Nine Weeks Lab Documentation Due-12/21/17 Unit 2: Weather and Water (Continued) In this unit students will focus……. Cloud and Precipitation Weather and Climate 1 Buffer Week 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Unit 2: Buffer Week Unit 3: Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers (S4L1a) Unit 3: Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers (S4L1a) Unit 3: Food Chains and Food Webs (S4L1b) Revised June 2017

6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4th Grade Pacing Guide Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dates to Remember: School Based Professional Learing-1/8/18 Beginning of 3rd Nine Weeks-1/9/18 Report Cards-1/2/18 Unit 3: Ecology In this unit students will focus on….. Roles of Organisms Flow of Food Energy Environmental Changes Scarcity, Extinction, and Abundance 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 Final 3D Task Student Assessment Product 25 26 29 Buffer Week 30 31 School Based Professional Learning Unit 3: Food Chains and Food Webs (S4L1b) Unit 3: Changes to an Ecosystem (S4L1c) Unit 3: Scarcity, Extinction, and Abundance ( S4L1d) Revised June 2017 Buffer Week Unit 3: Acceleration, Enrichment and Remediation

7 4th Grade Pacing Guide 2017-2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Dates to Remember: President’s Day Holiday(School Closed)-2/19/18 District Professional Learning Day(Student Holiday)-2/20/18 Unit 3: Ecology (continued) In this unit students will focus on…… Flow of Food Energy Environmental Changes Scarcity, Extinction, and Abundance Unit 4: Force, Motion, and Simple Machines In this unit students will focus……. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Gravity and Gravitation Simple Machines 1 Buffer Week 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 Final 3D Task Student Assessment Unit 4: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces (S4P3a) Unit 4: Gravity VS Gravitation (S4P3b) District Professional Learning Unit 4: Simple Machines (S4P3c) Revised June, 2017 Unit 4: Simple Machines (S4P3c)

8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4th Grade Pacing Guide Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dates to Remember: End of 3rd Nine Weeks-3/15/18 Beginning of 4th Nine Weeks-3/16/18 ES Early Release-3/21-22/18 Report Cards-3/22/18 3rd Nine Weeks Lab Documentation Due-3/22/18 Easter Holiday(School Closed)-3/30/18 Unit 4: Force, Motion, and Simple Machines (continued) In this unit students will focus……. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Gravity and Gravitation Simple Machines Unit 5: Sound and Light Interaction of Light and Materials Reflection Refraction 1 Final 3D Task Student Assessment 2 5 Buffer Week 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Unit 4: Simple Machines (S4P3c) Buffer Week Unit 4: Assessment, Enrichment, and Acceleration Unit 5: Opaque, Transparent, and Translucent (S4P1a) Revised June 2017 Unit 5: Reflection (S4P1b) Unit 5: Refraction (S4P1b-c)

9 4th Grade Pacing Guide 2017-2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Dates to Remember: Spring Break(School Closed)-4/2-4/9/18 Progress Reports-4/24/18    Unit 5: Sound and Light (continued) In this unit students will focus……. Reflection Refraction Causes of Sound Transmission of Sound and Light 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 Final 3D Task Student Assessment 26 27 30 Buffer Week Unit 5: Vibrations and Sound/Light Transmissions (S4P2a-b) Unit 5: Vibrations and Sound/Light Transmissions (S4P2a-b) Unit 5: Vibrations and Sound/Light Transmissions (S4P2a-b) Revised June 2017 Buffer Week Unit 5: Assessment, Enrichment, and Acceleration

10 4th Grade Pacing Guide 2017-2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Dates to Remember: 4th Nine Weeks Lab Documentation Due-5/18/18 Exams-5/21-24/18 Last Day for High School-5/25/18 Last Day for ES and MS-5/29/18 Post Planing-5/30-6/1/18 Unit 5: Sound and Light (continued) In this unit students will focus……. Causes of Sound Transmission of Sound and Light Acceleration Unit: Rocks and Minerals Vertebrates and Invertebrates 1 Buffer Week 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 Buffer Week Unit 5: Assessment, Enrichment, and Acceleration Acceleration Unit: Animal Classifications (S5L1a) Acceleration Unit: Animal Classifications (S5L1a) LAST DAY HS Acceleration Unit: Animal Classifications (S5L1a) Revised June 2017 LAST DAY ES/MS Post Planning

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