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Using LiDAR Data within Smallworld

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1 Using LiDAR Data within Smallworld
Mark Field – FCSI

2 Overview LiDAR – We have heard about it, but what is it?
How’s it collected What data is in it Variations of LiDAR data How is it stored in Smallworld Example set of tools How this implementation can be used to develop useful data

3 What is LiDAR? Light Detection And Ranging
aka Laser Detection And Ranging (LADAR) Can be used in side and downward-looking Laser speed gun, weather “radar”, airborne Data is gathered by detecting the reflection of the light Distance, intensity, return number Raw results are “point clouds” Difference btw lidar & radar is basically wavelength. Longer wavelength is “radar” (

4 LiDAR Collection Illustration

5 Variations of LiDAR Raw, Unfiltered Data(LAS format)
Contains noise, artifacts Filtered, Classified (LAS format) Contains point cloud data Multiple returns Classified into ground, vegetation, building, etc. Ground Points (LAS format) Contains single “layer” of ground Digital Elevation Models (DEM, DTM, TIN) Rasterized version of ground points

6 Variations of LiDAR (cont.)
LAZ Lossless Compressed LAS Categorized XYZ ASCII Files separated into single category

7 Implementation by FCSI
Expanded FCSI’s N-Dimensional Geometry 5+ Dimensional TIN Structure (XYZTV) TIN Node now contains all LiDAR Data X, Y, Z Intensity Return Number of Returns Scan Direction GPS Time Edge of Flight? Classification Scan Angle User Data Point Source Color (RGB)

8 Example Tools by FCSI Point Viewer DEM Updater
Points colored by return, intensity, elevation, classification Filter points by return, intensity, classification DEM Updater Update DEM values based off LiDAR Manual Feature Extraction 4’ imagery.

9 Point Viewer 4’ imagery 5000’ x 5000’ 7.7Million Points! 2-3” to 1-2’

10 DEM Update

11 Elevation Extraction

12 Issues with LiDAR Number of Points is extremely large
1000’ x 100 ‘ of Missouri contains 560,000 points! 5000’ x 5000’ 5.3 to 8.2 Million points! 5.3 Million = 463MB gdb.ds (1MB rwo.ds) What will it be used for? DEM/TIN – Rasterize externally Ensure data is what you want to use Is it classified? Does it contain non-ground data (multiple returns)? External tools do exist that may be more effective Example data ranges from 2-3” to 1-2’ spacing

13 How Can LiDAR Be Used? Very accurate terrain models
TINs or DEMs Identify features for corridor management Buildings Vegetation Towers, Poles, Lines

14 Questions?/Contact Mark Field FCSI Booth 19
Cell: @mbfbsae90 mbfbsae90

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