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JTE Journey To Excellence

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Presentation on theme: "JTE Journey To Excellence"— Presentation transcript:

1 JTE Journey To Excellence
2017 JTE Journey To Excellence A summary of the OA Lodge JTE program Ver Apr 27

2 Objectives Understand the purpose of JTE
Identify JTE categories and point values Review the requirements for 2017 JTE Understand JTE concepts and calculations Identify resources to assist my lodge with JTE

3 Contents Purpose of JTE History 2017 JTE requirements JTE categories
Award distribution 2015 Point value changes 2017 JTE requirements JTE resources 2017 JTE requirements Finance Membership Program Unit Service Council Support Leadership & Governance Click to go to the slides

4 What is the Journey to Excellence program?
What is JTE? What is the Journey to Excellence program?

5 Goals of the JTE program
Journey to Excellence Goals of the JTE program Evaluate and recognize lodge performance Encourage continuous improvement Measure many aspects of lodge program – multi-faceted Provide visibility into the success of our program Identify opportunities for program enhancement

6 Where did we have difficulties?
JTE Questions to Ask How are we doing? Are we on track? Where did we have difficulties? Where should we focus? How can we improve? JTE can help answer these questions!

7 JTE – Consistent throughout BSA
Other BSA programs use Journey to Excellence: Council JTE District JTE Troop / Pack / Team / Crew JTE Consistency in performance measurement Other Order of the Arrow JTE programs: Chapter JTE Section JTE Defined by the lodge

8 History of JTE Replaced the Quality Lodge program in 2012

9 Requirements change for the first time
A Brief History of JTE 1st year of OA JTE Optional 2012 JTE and recharter integrated Submitted via spreadsheet or OA LodgeMaster 2013 Benchmarks adjusted 2014 Requirements changed More point values added Benchmarks adjusted OA LodgeMaster required 2015 Major point: Requirements change for the first time in 2015 Requirements change for the first time 2016 Benchmarks adjusted BSA membership & number of units automated Benchmarks adjusted using three years of data 2017

10 2017 JTE Categories Six JTE categories and three award levels

11 JTE Program Overview Three Award Levels: Six Categories: Gold Silver

12 Seventeen Requirements
Six Categories: Seventeen Requirements: FINANCE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Each requirement includes levels: Gold Silver Bronze Unlink Quality Lodge where we wanted all lodges to achieve Quality Lodge UNIT SERVICE COUNCIL SUPPORT LEADERSHIP GOVERNANCE

13 2016 JTE AWARDS JTE levels earned by lodges in 2016

14 What awards did lodges earn last year?
JTE Program Overview Three Award Levels: Gold Silver Unlink Quality Lodge where we wanted all lodges to achieve Quality Lodge Bronze What awards did lodges earn last year?

15 95 % of lodges earned at least Bronze in 2016
Award Distribution – 2016 Distribution was not on target for 2013 2016 award distribution 95 % of lodges earned at least Bronze in 2016

16 As requirements and benchmarks are adjusted:
Award Distribution – 2015 2014 2016 As requirements and benchmarks are adjusted: Gold level is a challenge Most lodges should earn at least Bronze

17 2017 JTE Requirements An overview of the JTE requirements

1) Fiscal Management 2) Contribution to Council 10) Section & National Events 7) Event Participation 8) Brotherhood Completion 9) Service Projects MEMBERSHIP 3) Growth 6) Ordeal Completion 4) Membership Retention 5) Unit Elections UNIT SERVICE 11) Unit Visitation 12) Unit of Excellence Award COUNCIL SUPPORT LEADERSHIP GOVERNANCE 13) Council Designated Support 14) Council Program Support 15) Camping Support 16) Leadership Development 17) Planning and Reporting

19 JTE Point values How many points can be earned for each requirement?

20 Total Points per Category
Program Unit Service Council Support Membership Finance Leadership & Governance 800 points 400 points 600 points 1500 points 500 points 300 points Totals per category 4100 Total Points

21 Relative Values of JTE Categories

22 2017 Journey to Excellence 500 points 800 points 1500 points
FINANCE PROGRAM 200 7) Event Participation 300 1) Fiscal Management 500 points 1500 points 300 points 600 points 400 points 800 points 2) Contribution to Council 300 8) Brotherhood Completion 200 9) Service Projects MEMBERSHIP 100 10) Section & National Events 3) Growth 600 4) Membership Retention UNIT SERVICE 11) Unit Visitation 5) Unit Elections 12) Unit of Excellence Award 6) Ordeal Completion COUNCIL SUPPORT LEADERSHIP GOVERNANCE 13) Council Designated Support 16) Leadership Development 14) Council Program Support 17) Planning and Reporting 15) Camping Support These are the Gold point values

23 Points Required to Earn a JTE Recognition
1 17 Minimum number of Bronze is no longer required 12 15 10 Earn at least 15 Bronze and 2650 points Earn Gold Earn at least 12 Bronze and 2150 points Earn Silver Earn at least 10 Bronze and 1450 points Earn Bronze JTE requirements

24 Requirements have Different Point Values
2015 200 100 Gold points 200 100 Silver points 50 Bronze points 75 25 2016 200 100 600 400 300 Gold points 600 400 300 200 100 Silver points 150 50 Bronze points 75 25 Now there are five tiers of point values Much more granularity Pay attention to the point values when planning for JTE success 2017 200 100 600 300 Gold points 600 300 200 100 Silver points 150 50 Bronze points 250 75 25

25 Benchmarks Adjusted Each Year
Nationwide performance on one requirement Gold Silver Bronze 20% 50% 90% Percentiles: Benchmarks for each requirement are adjusted each year Based on nationwide averages from the previous 3 years

26 2017 JTE Criteria Here are the 2017 JTE detailed requirements

27 Category 1 of 6 500 points finance 2017 JTE Requirements

28 Lodge Finance Manual (rev. 2008)
Category 1 of 6 1) Fiscal Management Develop lodge annual budget Bronze: Complete and follow budget Silver: Close with positive balance Gold: Close with at least projected balance 200 100 50 Lodge Finance Manual (rev. 2008)

29 Finance 2) Contribution to Council
Category 1 of 6 2) Contribution to Council Contribute cash or materials to the council Bronze: Contribute $ 4.50 per member Silver: Contribute $ 8.50 per member Gold: Contribute $ per member 300 75 150 Gold percentage slightly increased from 2015: Gold: $20.00 per member

30 Contribution to Council
Contributions are not only cash but include the fair market value of materials donated Friends of Scouting contribution James E. West Fellowships Council endowment Other cash contributions Cash Materials Materials donated Materials purchased for Ordeals or special projects Don’t forget to include in-kind contributions

31 2016 Southern Region Contributions
Data from 2016 JTE statistics presentation – Southern Region

32 2016 Southern Region Contributions
Gold Silver Bronze Measured on a per-member basis Data from 2016 JTE statistics presentation – Southern Region

33 Category 2 of 6 1500 points Membership 2017 JTE Requirements

34 2017 - Membership 3) Membership Impact Experience growth in membership
Category 2 of 6 3) Membership Impact Experience growth in membership Bronze: Grow by at least 1 member Silver: Grow by at least 1% Gold: Grow by at least 12% 600 250 300 Gold increase from 13% in 2015.

35 JTE – Membership Impact (Growth)
No longer a required criterion! Can still earn Gold without growth Highest point value Growth has the highest point value of all criteria Compares 2017 membership to 2016 membership 600 300 250 End of the year End of the year Growth!

36 2016 Southern Region Growth
Chart from 2016 JTE statistics presentation – Southern Region

37 2017 - Membership 4) Membership Retention
Category 2 of 6 4) Membership Retention Keep members active from one year to the next Bronze: Achieve 65% retention rate Silver: Achieve 76% retention rate Gold: Achieve 87% retention rate 300 75 150 Error: Silver is increase over 67% not 69% as printed in October, 2015 version. Dec 2015 version is correct. Percentages slightly reduced from 2015: Bronze: 69% Silver: 77% Gold: 88%

38 What is Membership Retention?
New Ordeal Members 2017 Inductions Does this measure Sash and Dash or Does this measure “No Shows”? Or Both Neither How many return? Current Members 2016 End of year

39 What is Membership Retention?
Sash & Dash Some do not return New Ordeal Members Returning New Members Become inactive Some become inactive Returning Members 2017 End of year Current Members 2016 End of year

40 This is Membership Retention!
Sash & Dash Become inactive New Ordeal Members Returning New Members Current Members 2017 End of year This is Membership Retention! Current Members 2016 End of year

41 Membership Retention - Southern Region
Gold Silver Bronze Chart from 2016 JTE statistics presentation – Southern Region

42 Two Factors in Membership Retention
Increase membership retention: Reduce “Sash & Dash” Encourage brand new Ordeal members to become active Keep current members active and involved Increase membership retention: Decrease the number becoming inactive

43 2017 - Membership 5) Unit Elections
Category 2 of 6 5) Unit Elections Conduct unit elections in all troops and teams Bronze: Achieve 69% retention rate or 4% increase Silver: Complete elections for 69% of units Gold: Complete elections for 100% of units Bronze: Complete elections for 39% of units 300 100 200

44 Units conducting OA elections
Unit Election Rate Election Rate measures the percentage of Troops & Teams in the council that hold OA elections Total number of units Units conducting OA elections Election Rate =

45 Units without OA elections This percentage is the Unit Election Rate
Troops and Teams in the council Units without OA elections Units that hold OA elections This percentage is the Unit Election Rate Percentage of Troops & Teams in the council that hold OA elections

46 Unit Election Rate Why is Unit Election Rate important?
BSA and OA membership continues to decline Units without OA elections are a huge source of OA membership Important to the future of the Order of the Arrow!

47 2013 – OA Membership 9.1% decline in total membership % decline in youth OA membership

48 Why measure Unit Election Rate?
Goal: To provide every eligible First Class Scout* the opportunity to be elected to the OA by his peers * First Class and above

49 Units conducting OA elections How do we determine the number of units?
Unit Election Rate Total number of units Units conducting OA elections Election Rate = Don’t count: Packs Crews Posts Teams Troops How do we determine the number of units?

50 Unit Election Rate Election Rate = Units conducting OA elections
Total number of units Units conducting OA elections Election Rate = Beginning 2016 Number of units automatically determined from the council Total number of units in the council: 2017 number of units available on the report – Page 1 Number of units from the council obtained on March 31, 2017

51 Units and Requested Elections
Unserved Units How many Southern Region units did not request an election? 3,287 Unserved Units Units in the Southern Region Units holding an OA election # Units shown was reported by OA. BSA-reported #units: 9616 Southern Region 9,342 6,055 In 2016, more than 3,000 Southern Region units did not request an election.

52 Units Requesting Election
Election Rate Units Requesting Election Election Rate = Total Number of Units National – 15,184 units did not conduct an OA election Some ineligible of course More than 1/3 of our units do not request an Order of the Arrow election! 3,287 units did not have an OA election in 2016

53 Nationwide Election Rate
50% of our units do not request an Order of the Arrow election! 21,683 units did not have an OA election in 2016 National – 15,184 units did not conduct an OA election Some ineligible of course This number includes: Brand new units Units with no First Class Scouts Special units with no eligible Scouts Units with eligible Scouts that do not conduct elections

54 2017 - Membership 6) Ordeal Completion
Category 2 of 6 6) Ordeal Completion Induct elected Ordeal candidates Bronze: Induct 65% of elected candidates Silver: Induct 76% of elected candidates Gold: Induct 97% of elected candidates 300 75 150 2015 Silver: 77%

55 Percentage of elected Scouts who complete the Ordeal
Induction Rate Induction Rate measures the percentage of Scouts elected to the OA who attend the Ordeal Induction Rate is also called Ordeal Completion Percentage of elected Scouts who complete the Ordeal

56 Total number of elected candidates Number of candidates inducted
Induction Rate Induction Rate measures the percentage of Scouts elected to the OA who attend the Ordeal Induction Rate = Total number of elected candidates Number of candidates inducted Elected Inducted Induction Rate =

57 Ordeal Completion – “Induction Rate”
Did all Scouts elected to the OA attend an Ordeal? Is this significant? Elected Youth No Shows New Ordeal Members Attended Ordeal

58 Data from the 2016 JTE statistics
Quiz What percentage of elected Scouts attended an Ordeal? 74 % 81 % 88 % 93 % 96 % Nationwide Data from the 2016 JTE statistics 100 %

59 “No Shows” 10,518 youth “no shows”
26% of elected Scouts did not attend an Ordeal! 10,518 youth “no shows” Nationwide How many “No Shows” in your lodge this year? These data show only youth no-shows ~ 10,500 youth delegates attended 2015 NOAC 7,153 delegates attended the 2012 NOAC

60 elected youth Scouts did not show up for an Ordeal last year!
2016 Youth “No Shows” 10,518 elected youth Scouts did not show up for an Ordeal last year! Elected No Shows Inducted Data from 2016 JTE statistics presentation

61 2016 Southern Region “No Shows”
2,149 elected Scouts did not show up for an Ordeal last year in the Southern Region! Data from 2016 JTE statistics presentation – Southern Region

62 Ordeal Completion What does your lodge do? 6) Ordeal Completion
Induct elected Ordeal candidates What does your lodge do? To encourage Ordeal attendance To contact candidates before the Ordeal To follow up with candidates after election / call-out To train OA Troop Representatives

63 Category 3 of 6 900 points Program 2017 JTE Requirements

64 2017 JTE - Program 11% 7) Lodge Event Participation
Category 3 of 6 7) Lodge Event Participation Membership participates at full lodge events Bronze: Average attendance is at least 9% Silver: Average attendance is at least 13.5% Gold: Average attendance is at least 23% 300 100 200 2016 Southern Region Event Participation: 11%

65 Lodge Event Participation
Full lodge events Lodge event All lodge members invited Which events count? OA LodgeMaster – Event Manager Don’t count conclave Mark these events as “Lodge Wide” in OA LodgeMaster

66 Event Participation Rate Calculation
Average event attendance Number of lodge events Sum of attendance of all lodge events = Lodge participation Total lodge membership Average event attendance = Spring Fellowship 225 Summer Fellowship 190 Fall Ordeal 210 Winter Banquet 175 Sample calculation Average event attendance = 800 4 = 200 No. of events Participation rate = 200 1176 = 17% Sum = 800 Lodge membership

67 Lodge Event Participation
Event participation has a strong correlation to all other metrics Lodges with strong event participation tend to perform well in all categories Lodges should be encouraged to increase event participation as their primary course of improvement

68 Lodge Event Participation
Southern Region Data from 2016 JTE statistics presentation – Southern Region

69 No longer a required criterion!
2017 JTE - Program Category 3 of 6 8) Brotherhood Completion Convert eligible Ordeal members to Brotherhood Bronze: Convert at least 26% or 5% increase Silver: Convert at least 37% or 3% increase over 26% Gold: Convert at least 57% or 3% increase over 37% 200 100 50 Slight increase Gold from 47% No longer a required criterion! 2016 Southern Region Brotherhood Conversion Rate: 30%

70 Brotherhood Completion Calculation
How do we calculate Brotherhood Completion rate? Brotherhood Conversion 2017 Ordeal members – 2017 Ordeal inductions BH inductions 2017 BH inductions =

71 Brotherhood Completion
Who is eligible for Brotherhood? New Ordeal Members 2017 Not eligible for Brotherhood Brotherhood Vigil Honor Become inactive Returning Ordeal Members Eligible for Brotherhood this year Together, these are the Ordeal members Ordeal Members 2016 End of year

72 BH Completion 2017 total Ordeal - + 2017 new Ordeal 2017 new Brotherhood Returning Ordeal members Eligible for Brotherhood This is Brotherhood Completion rate! New Brotherhood members Some earn Brotherhood How do you know the number of Returning Ordeal members? End-of-year Ordeal minus the current year Ordeal inductions is the number eligible for BH. Registered Ordeal members continue to count against BH Completion, year after year. Remained Ordeal Some do not

73 Brotherhood Completion
Brotherhood Conversion = 2017 BH inductions Eligible that remained Ordeal Remained Ordeal 2017 Ordeal members – 2017 Ordeal inductions BH inductions Eligible that earned Brotherhood New Brotherhood members +

74 2017 JTE - Program 10.5 hours per member 9) Service Projects
Category 3 of 6 9) Service Projects Complete approved service projects Bronze: Achieve 69% retention rate or 4% increase Silver: Complete at least 6 service hours per member Gold: Complete at least 15 service hours per member Bronze: Complete at least service hours per member 200 100 50 2016 Southern Region Service Hours per member: 10.5 hours per member

75 Many types of service projects are possible!
Include a written summary in the lodge annual report Council service project Community service project Measured on a per-member basis

76 Purpose of Council Service Projects:
Exemplifies lodge’s commitment to support Scouting in the local area Builds cooperative relationship with council Demonstrates positive image to unit leaders who may not be OA members Inspires Scouts to become OA members Troop Relations!

77 Lodge Community Service Guide (rev. 2004)
Service Projects Lodge Community Service Guide (rev. 2004) A Guidebook For youth leaders By youth leaders Community Service Projects: Plan Mobilize Deliver

78 2017 JTE - Program 10) Section and National Events
Category 3 of 6 10) Section and National Events Attend section and national events Bronze: Set and achieve lodge attendance goal Silver: Exceed lodge goal by 10% Gold: Exceed lodge goal by 20% 100 50 25

79 Section and National Events
Encourage lodges to set goals for section and national events Attendance not required OA High Adventure attendance qualifies Goals will vary per year LEC should set challenging goals

80 Unit Service 2017 JTE Requirements New category in 2016! 400 points
Category 4 of 6 400 points New category in 2016! Unit Service 2017 JTE Requirements

81 2017 JTE – Unit Service 11) Unit Visitation Unit meeting or event
Category 4 of 6 New criterion! 11) Unit Visitation Conduct in-person unit visits to all units in council Bronze: In-person visits with 33% of units Silver: In-person visits with 62% of units Gold: In-person visits with 100% of units 200 100 50 Unit meeting or event Conducted by Arrowmen from a different unit

82 2017 JTE – Unit Service 12) Unit of Excellence Award New criterion!
Category 4 of 6 New criterion! 12) Unit of Excellence Award Assist units to earn the OA Unit of Excellence award Silver: Award earned by 8% of units Gold: Award earned by 16% of units Bronze: Award earned by 4% of units 200 100 50

83 OA Unit of Excellence Award
Recognize units that excel in incorporating the OA into their annual planning Implement OA Troop Rep Program Encourage attendance at Lodge Events Schedule OA Unit elections Consider lodge calendar in unit planning Encourage Brotherhood membership

84 Category 5 of 6 600 points Council Support 2017 JTE Requirements

85 2016 JTE - Council Support 13) Council Designated Support
Category 5 of 6 13) Council Designated Support Complete Scout Executive designated projects Bronze: Complete 1 project Silver: Complete 2 projects Gold: Complete 3 projects 300 100 200

86 Council Designated Support
Recruit 12 lodge members to serve on Camp Staff Provide support for at least ten Cub Scout crossover ceremonies At least two youth and one adult attend NLS/DYLC At least one lodge member attends OA High Adventure Lodge provides James E. West Fellowship award Provide manpower and resources for council Cub Scout outdoor program Create and activate an OA Mentoring Program Examples of council support projects: Projects are designated by the Scout Executive

87 2017 JTE - Council Support 14) Council Program Support
Category 5 of 6 2017 JTE - Council Support 14) Council Program Support OA staff support for council and district events Bronze: Achieve 69% retention rate or 4% increase Silver: Support 3 council or district events Gold: Support 5 council or district events Bronze: Support 2 council or district events 100 50 25

88 Council Program Support
Examples of council program support Provide OA Staff for: Summer Camp Cub Scout Day Camp Webelos Resident Camp Scout Fair Special Needs Camporee Designate Chapters to staff particular events Demonstrate an American Indian Village

89 2017 JTE - Council Support 15) Council Camping Support
Category 5 of 6 2017 JTE - Council Support 15) Council Camping Support Conduct camping promotions contacts to units Bronze: Contact 18% of units or 3% increase Silver: Contact 84% of units or 3% increase over 18% Gold: Contact 100% of units or 3% increase over 84% 200 100 50

90 Camping Support Council Camping Support Tips:
Conduct Camp Promotions along with Unit Elections Assist council with camp promotion webpage or publication Keep track of unit visits

91 Leadership and Governance
Category 6 of 6 300 points Leadership and Governance 2017 JTE Requirements

92 Leadership and Governance
Category 6 of 6 Leadership and Governance 16) Leadership Development Conduct LLD with qualified instructors & current material Bronze: At least 60% of LEC is trained or 3% increase Silver: At least 86% of LEC is trained or 3% increase over 60% Gold: 100% of LEC is trained or 3% increase over 86% 200 100 50 Error - Silver is 56% not 66% as printed in the Oct 2015 version

93 Lodge and Chapter Leadership
“Eligible members” for the LLD are left up to the lodge’s discretion Do not count any extras Add the percentages (cummulative) Who is on the LEC? What if more attend? What if we hold two LLDs?

94 Leadership and Governance
Category 6 of 6 Leadership and Governance 17) Planning and Reporting Written performance plan and annual report of accomplishments to the council executive board Bronze: Achieve 69% retention rate or 4% increase Silver: Written report submitted to council executive board Gold: Verbal report given by the Lodge Chief Bronze: Written plan submitted 100 50 25 Gave a verbal report to the Council Executive Board Did not create any written plan Our Lodge Chief: How did we do?

95 Quiz How did we do? No points To earn Silver Our Lodge Chief:
For all criteria To earn Must meet both Bronze and Silver Silver Our Lodge Chief: Gave a verbal report to the Council Executive Board Did not create any written plan How did we do? No points To earn Must meet both Bronze, Silver, and Gold Gold

96 JTE resources What resources are available?

97 How Can My Lodge Improve?
How can my lodge do better this year? Journey to Excellence Guide (rev. March, 2016) National guidelines for JTE Requirements in depth Tips for success Resources for meeting each requirement Frequently asked questions New version completed in March, 2016!

98 JTE Resources How did my lodge do?
How did my lodge compare to other lodges? Insights into reported data National percentiles Sample of next year’s JTE Sent to lodge advisers JTE Committee Insights Report Colorful graphs and charts Compares lodges within a section on all metrics Suitable for training presentations Sent to section advisers JTE statistics presentation

99 Sample Lodge Insights Report – Ashwanchi Kinta Lodge

100 JTE Statistics Presentations
Sample presentation for Section S-9

101 JTE Statistics Presentations
Sample presentation for Section S-9

102 JTE Statistics Presentations
Sample presentation for Section S-9

103 Check Your Progress – OA LodgeMaster
JTE Wizard in OA LodgeMaster check your progress anytime

104 What can we learn from JTE?
What is the benefit of JTE to my lodge?

105 Questions JTE Can Help Answer
How can we measure about our lodge’s performance? How can we use the JTE information? How do we compare? Where should we focus our attention? How can we improve? What strategies can we use? Use JTE to improve your lodge!

106 Where did we have difficulties? JTE can help answer these questions!
JTE Questions How are we doing? JTE! Journey to Excellence Are we on track? Where did we have difficulties? Where should we focus? What did we learn? How can we improve? JTE can help answer these questions!

107 Thanks for your participation!
2017 Journey to Excellence Presentation created by: Larry A. Mobley, Southern Region OA Committee,

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