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Corrugated Mirror and Rapid Panel Manufacturing

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1 Corrugated Mirror and Rapid Panel Manufacturing
presents Corrugated Mirror and Rapid Panel Manufacturing The Glass Replication Approach to CCAT 13,14 July 2005 Feasibilty/Concept Study Mid Term Status Review

2 ITT Industries Space Systems Division Heritage Programs
1.8M Keck Telecope (Hawaii) 81 segments 11M Salt (South Africa) 97 segments 11M Hobby-Eberly Telescope (Texas) 96 segments Hubble Space Telesope 1.8M AMSD Off axis asphere 1.4M

3 Corrugated Mirror Manufacturing Process
Sheet Stock Corrugate Core Fuse Assembly Replicate Mandrel Surface Test

4 Corrugated Glass Mirror Components
From Flat Sheet Glass to Corrugated Glass Core (1 Day) 1½-Inch Deep X 1½ Wide “Macro Corrugation” ¼-Inch Deep X 0.2-Inch Wide “Micro Corrugation”

5 Corrugated Mirror Assemblies
Fuse top and bottom plates to corrugated core (1 day) Lightweighting efficiently stiffens face sheets.

6 Corrugated Mirror Assemblies
Precision Replication on a mandrel 8” diameter corrugated mirror 50” radius of curvature mandrel Replicated to within 5 microns

7 Example: 60 nm RMS Lightweight Flat Mirror In 5 Days
9.55kg/m² Borosilicate (edge ring increased weight) Quality: 58 nm RMS / 310 nm P-V 633nm)

8 Example: Precision Replication
CO2 Interferogram Direct from Replication without Post-Processing Surface test of a replicated glass part molded to 2.3 waves CO2 wavelength). Will meet CCAT finished specifications. CO2 CO2 interferogram Surface map

9 Corrugated Mirror Assemblies
Alternative designs trade weight for stiffness 3,5, and 7 layer designs have been demonstrated in our process development project 3-Layers + Edge Ring 7-Layers with 3 Corrugations 5.76 kg/m² Demonstrated to 2” Deep 9.25kg/m² Sealed Core Design Demonstrated to 1.5” Deep

10 Corrugated Mirror Benefits
Total process time per panel is short (~1 week) Benefit: High production rates, low cost per panel Areal densities below 10kg/m² have been demonstrated Benefit: Meets system requirements for overall weight Inexpensive raw material Benefit: Low cost per panel Several design approaches Benefit: Adequate trade space for design optimization Traditional mirror materials plus innovative manufacturing processes can meet the cost , schedule, and technical requirements of CCAT

11 Scale Up Risks Risk Mitigation
We have successfully manufactured smaller demonstrator mirrors. Scaling to 2 meters is the predominate risk Risk Mitigation Large corrugation molds Segmented molds, ITT IR&D project Handling of large sheets Commercially available equipment Large scale precision slumping Evaluating process variables, ITT IR&D project Mold release over large areas Evaluating process variables,

12 Work to be Done with remaining CCAT funding
Finish trade study for 3, 5, and 7 layer designs Select a prime approach Get formal quotes on material and delivery time ROM cost for panel fabrication Write report

13 Extra Slides Follow

14 Engineering Trade-Off
A slightly smaller panel can be made thinner with less 1-G rms sag.

15 Error budget for panels

16 Layer Design 3 Layer Design (Core + 2 Plates) 50 mm deep
100 Hz first mode frequency Roughly 25 μm p-v gravity sag on optimized 3 point mount (including power) Roughly 10 μm p-v gravity sag on optimized 3 point mount (focusing out gravity induced power) 10 Kg/m2 Simpler, lower cost, more robust, lower performance

17 Layer Designs 5 Layer Design 200 mm deep design
300 Hz first mode frequency Roughly 2 μm p-v gravity sag on optimized 3 point mount (including power) Roughly 1 μm p-v gravity sag on optimized 3 point mount (focusing out gravity induced power) 8 Kg/m2 More expensive, more fragile, better performance

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