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Managing Genetic Defects--Bovine Genetic Disease and Trait Frequencies in Ireland: 96 causative alleles in >1.1M animals McClure, M.C., Flynn, P., Weld,

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Genetic Defects--Bovine Genetic Disease and Trait Frequencies in Ireland: 96 causative alleles in >1.1M animals McClure, M.C., Flynn, P., Weld,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Genetic Defects--Bovine Genetic Disease and Trait Frequencies in Ireland: 96 causative alleles in >1.1M animals McClure, M.C., Flynn, P., Weld, R., Pabiou, T., Mullen, M., Kearney, J.F., McClure, J EAAP-Interbull Tallin, Estonia August 28, 2017

2 Benefit of Genomics Gain in Net Merit for marketed USA Holstein Bulls

3 Cost of Genomics: HH1 example
Chief has 16,000 daughters. And 500,000 granddaughters and more than 2 million great-granddaughters. Today, in fact, his genes account for 14 percent of all DNA in Holstein cows, the most popular breed in the dairy industry. Despite the lethal mutation, using Chief’s sperm instead of an average bull’s still led to $30 billion dollars in increased milk production over the past 35 years

4 ‘Finding’ New Genetic Defects
inherited Goiter; thyroid cyst: Enlargement of the thyroid gland Ricketts et al. 1985) Data from OMIA and Frank Nicholas

5 Genetic Defects Have a Cost
18 recessives in USA Dairy Herd (9M) >$11M YEARLY economic loss $ ???

6 Irish Yearly Economic Cost: 49 Genetic Diseases 2M Beef + Dairy
Poster: 26903 Searching for, finding, and fixing genetic diseases: We can’t afford not to J. Mcclure1, P. Flynn2, S. Waters3, F. Kearney1, M. Mullen4, T. Pabiou1, R. Schnabel5, J. Taylor5, R. Weld2, M. Mcclure1

7 Managing Genetic Defects. 1) Reporting Disease. 2) Disease Discovery
Managing Genetic Defects 1) Reporting Disease 2) Disease Discovery 3) Carrier Identification 4) National Frequencies 5) Reports 6) Education 7) Mating Advice ~300 defect animals reported

8 Managing Genetic Defects 1) Reporting
~300 defect animals reported

9 Managing Genetic Defects 2) Discovery
Beef Lethal Haplotypes ‘Paul VanRaden strategy’ in 5 beef breeds Farmer Reported Defects -Atresia -Neurologic Spams -Tailless -Vetricular Septal Defect -Spastic Syndome -Udderless

10 Managing Genetic Defects 3) Carrier Identification
Trait Type # Validated Total Beneficial 3 5 Colour 7 17 Lethal 29 42 Meat 14 30 Milk 11 51 Unwanted 32 50 96 195

11 Managing Genetic Defects 4) National Frequency

12 National Frequency:96 alleles, 1.1 M
Beneficial Color Lethal

13 National Frequency:96 alleles, 1.1 M
Meat Milk Unwanted

14 Lethal Traits: By breed
Purebred Crossbred

15 Unwanted Traits : By breed
Purebred Crossbred

16 Average End User


18 Managing Genetic Defects 5) Reports

19 Disease X: Average End User

20 Managing Genetic Defects 6) Education

21 Farmer Version Extended Version

22 Managing Genetic Defects 7) Animal Mating Advice
Currently—Maximize farmer selected traits or EBI Inbreeding avoided, < 6.25 In Development—Avoid Carrier X Carrier Mating


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