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Software Integration, Deployment & Evaluation

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1 Software Integration, Deployment & Evaluation
WP6: Integration Testbed C. Loomis (LAL-CNRS)

2 Outline Status & Achievements Recommendations Objectives
Integration Deployment Evaluation & Feedback Recommendations Exploitation of Results Questions Objectives Objectives of WP6 are best summarized by the Integration, Deployment, and Evaluation in the title. Must take middleware and external software, integrate it into a working release, deploy it on a geographically distributed testbed, and evaluate the software. Of course the results are fed back to developers.

3 Software Development Tools
Source Code Management (CVS) 184 developers 135 EDG Modules 108 MB of source Autobuild Package Repository Testing Framework Bugzilla >2500 bugs 87% resolved Pkg. Rep. EDG Pkgs. GB MB EDG 43326 13.6 412 197 VDT 8915 2.1 12 44 Linux 4217 4.8 551 449 Extern. 874 1.0 104 204 Apps. 255 4.6 111 1498 Total 57587 26.1 1190 2392 The EDG SE has lots of small modules which boost this number. Still around 100 modules in the release. To put the 108 MB of source code in perspective—the RH 7.3 linux kernel (another large open-source project) has 164 MB of code. The EDG project is of comparable complexity. (EDG has produced over 1 million lines of code.) Autobuild system has been critical for generating consistent packages. Reduced time spent generating the packages and time wasted with trivial packaging problems. Testing framework is shared between EDG and LCG. It contains a growing number of tests spanning site validation tests, basic functionality tests, and inter-service functionality tests. Bugzilla has become the main forum by which problems with the software are funneled back to the developers. Detailed information about Bugzilla will be presented by Gabriel Zaquine in the quality report.

4 EDG Release Management
Integration Team People from all work packages Central to success of project System Administrators Efficient installation Exemplary operation Figure shows when production and development tags (vertical yellow bars) were released. Top two rows are production tags with the labels giving the last release of each series. (Production releases are expected to function coherently and be usable by applications.) Bottom row shows the test tags; these are not expected to be usable by applications. Important points about release history: LOTS of releases (64 production; 436 test tags) Increased frequency because of installation tools and experience. Highest frequency for 2.x series Numerous new features Simultaneous testing on app. & dev. Testbeds Integration work continues! High frequency possible because of WP4 installation and configuration tools. (And system administrators adoption and experience with them.) System administrators were generally happy with these tools (LCFGng) and are looking forward to using the next generation (quattor). Many of the system administrators (especially those running central services) often went beyond the call of duty to keep services functioning for users. They often provided expert debugging and testing services also.

5 Application Testbed Total 161 14255 Physical Size of Testbed Users
Site Country CPUs Storage (GB) ASCC Taiwan 21 8 Birmingham UK 4 34 Cambridge 5 16 CC-IN2P3 FR 3 348 CNAF IT 15 CPPM 2 ESRIN 28 FZK D 1034 Imperial Coll. IFAE ES 88 IPSL 417 NIKHEF NL 32 1752 Oxford 35 Padova 71 Queen Mary Coll. 48 RAL 6 57 RAL-PP 10 SARA 10000 Sheffield 217 SRCE HR UCL Wuppertal Total 161 14255 Physical Size of Testbed 21 sites in 8 countries 14.3 Terabytes 161 CPUs Users 12 Virtual Organizations (VO) 100 regular users 500 registered users Other projects CrossGrid, DataTag, LCG National Projects EDG WP6 supported two testbeds: Application Testbed for end-users Development Testbed for development and testing Also are various testbeds supported by middleware work packages for internal testing and development. The application testbed is more limited in scope mainly because of competition for resources from other grid projects. This is actually positive in that site administrators trained on EDG software are taking their experience to other production grid projects. These other projects are based on or use a significant part of the EDG software. Some national projects include: GridPP, INFN Grid, NorduGrid.

6 Release Milestones EU Review (1.1.2) Features Prototype
Data-driven scheduling Data mgt. services. EU Review (1.1.2)

7 Release Milestones EU Review (1.4.3) Features
Good stability, reliability. “Hybrid” information sys. Push for automatic config. On application testbed until released. EU Review (1.4.3)

8 Release Milestones Evaluations (2.0.12) EU Review (2.1.13)
Features (2.0.12) R-GMA replaces MDS Refactored workload mgt. Interactive, MPI, chkpt. jobs. Replica Location Service Webservice SE Features (2.1.13) Reasonable stability, reliability. VOMS incorporated (WP1,4) Bug fixes for all services. There is a significant stabilization time for releases once they reach the application testbed. This typically lasts a few months. Have seen this both with the EDG 2.x series and EDG 1.4 series. The integration, deployment, and testing were extremely active in fall of 2003 because EDG 2.0 series was on the application testbed with frequent R-GMA fixes deployed directly there. Simultaneous development of EDG 2.1 series on development testbed.

9 Security Infrastructure
Certificate Authorities 21 CAs span: Europe North America Asia Independent administration Backbone of present & future global grid projects VO Membership Service Expect VO to take over operation servers Include certificate requests into standard registration procedures ArmeSFo Armenia HellasGrid Greece ASGCCA Taiwan INFN Italy CERN Switzerland LIP Portugal CESNET Czech Rep. NIKHEF Netherlands CNRS France NorduGrid Nordic Countries CyGrid Cyprus PolishGrid Poland ESNet USA Russia FNAL SlovakGrid Slovakia GermanGrid Germany Spain GridCanada Canada UKeScience UK Grid-Ireland Ireland The number of certificate authorities continues to expand. The CA coordination group will move under the auspices of EGEE. The overall coverage of users is significantly higher as CNRS CA signs requests for several countries and ASGCCA also covers China. Details about security will be given by David Kelsey in the Security Report.

10 Support User Support System Administrator Support Users’ Guide
ITeam mailing list Bugzilla User tutorials Service ticketing system exists System Administrator Support Installation Guide ITeam/System Administrator mailing lists System administrator tutorials The service ticketing system is essentially unutilized. Perhaps it hasn’t been advertised widely enough, but CrossGrid (which shared system development) sees same result. More likely the fast, expert help available via the ITeam mailing list is more useful for the relatively “expert” users we now have. Tutorial were a good technique in first part of project. Now most of the system administrators are really experts both with the installation tools and with the operation of the software.

11 Evaluation Private MW TBs Development TB Application TB
Formal Evaluation (D6.8) Release procedures Operations EDG Middleware Reality: Everyone Tests Developers Integrators Testers “Loose cannons” End-users Testing Suite EDG development; shared with LCG. Large (72) and growing body of tests Private MW TBs Development TB Application TB The formal evaluation used EDG release This was not a stable release and consequently the evaluation was very limited. The EDG 2.1 release is stable, but a formal evaluation has not been repeated. D6.8 contains an evaluation of the release and operating procedures over the full life of the project. Many valuable recommendations for future grid projects are included in this document. The developers typically do unit tests and isolated functionality tests on private testbeds. Integrators, testers and Loose Cannons work on candidate releases on development testbed. Loose Cannons and end-users test “production” releases on the application testbed. The tests in the test suite are routinely used to vet releases and to check the configuration of sites. Having a common test suite helps catch problems early in the process.

12 Lessons Overall: Integration & Testing Effort Underestimated
Software Development Service-oriented design Code, packaging & configuration standards Unified test framework Operations Auto-installation/config. tools mandatory Minimize & decentralize infrastructure Grid-enabled diagnostic tools Fragmentation of Resources Don’t have “webs” should not have “grids”. Overall effort for integration and testing was underestimated. Many of the recommendations point towards solutions to make the integration easier. Service-oriented design and the strict standards both will ease the integration of the software. This is important because one wants to be testing functionality of the release as a whole when integrating and not trivial problems with single components. Having a common testing framework allows tests to be easily run at any level of the release procedure. Catching problems earlier is always better. The installation tools may not be as critical in a production environment, but they are absolutely vital during the release building and validation processes. With the grid being a collection of highly-correlated services, determining the cause of a given problem often requires examining multiple log file, sometimes on different sites. Diagnostic tools are necessary with allows one to do these correlations easily. The balkanization of the global computing infrastructure is directly counter to the idea of a unified computing grid. Efforts needs to be made, particularly in the service discovery mechanisms to allow all resources to be accessible from anywhere.

13 Exploitation of Results
Software Code & Support  partners, future projects Infrastructure  limited, continued support Package Rep./Web  frozen; available “forever” Resources App. TB  dev./demon. testbed for EGEE CA Infrastructure  continues (coord. under EGEE) VO Infrastructure  VOs must take over Experienced People Developers, integrators, etc. System administrators The assumption on the software services is that the bulk of the software will be taken over by EGEE. EGEE will then be responsible for running the software development services. The resource owners themselves have ultimate control over where or if their resources are incorporated into another project. There are still some issues on how inclusive the EGEE fabrics will be. The most valuable contribution to future grid projects are the people who have been involved in EDG. They take many recommendations from EDG to these projects, but also their personal expertise.

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