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Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Travels Down the River to the Ocean

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Presentation on theme: "Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Travels Down the River to the Ocean"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Travels Down the River to the Ocean

2 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Turtles Think Plastic Bags are Jellyfish

3 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Veterinarian Operates on Sick Sea Turtle

4 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Garbage Patch Stuck In the Pacific Ocean

5 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Gyre Swirls Garbage in Pacific Ocean

6 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Many Animals Get Trapped In Our Garbage

7 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Plastic Microgarbage Kills Animals

8 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Microgarbage Kills Animals Especially Birds and Fish

9 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: People Work and Live Around Our Garbage

10 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Solutions: Do Your Part To Educate People About Plastic Pollution

11 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Solution: Do Your Part - Use Cloth Bags

12 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Solutions: Do Your Part To Help Ban Plastic Bags
Ban Plastics Toolkit Sustainable, Healthy Foodware Packaging!

13 Plastic Trash Bag’s Journey: Solutions: Do Your Part Volunteer For Beach Cleanups

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