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| kvi - center for advanced radiation technology 1 OctopusV3 Production Tester Michel Hevinga Oscar Kuiken Peter Schakel Remco Terol Ad van den Berg Ronald.

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Presentation on theme: "| kvi - center for advanced radiation technology 1 OctopusV3 Production Tester Michel Hevinga Oscar Kuiken Peter Schakel Remco Terol Ad van den Berg Ronald."— Presentation transcript:

1 | kvi - center for advanced radiation technology 1 OctopusV3 Production Tester Michel Hevinga Oscar Kuiken Peter Schakel Remco Terol Ad van den Berg Ronald van Wooning

2 | kvi - center for advanced radiation technology Operational tests Scan 2D barcode Program the CPLD Functional test Log results in XML files 2

3 | kvi - center for advanced radiation technology Block diagram 3

4 | kvi - center for advanced radiation technology Functional tests Grounding Total Current 3V3 power supply Nreset I2C bus on PMT channel CLKenable 3V3 power supply on PMT channel Analog diff. trackst Digital diff. tracks Clock diff. Tracks 5V power supply (piezo) 4

5 | kvi - center for advanced radiation technology Hardware for the test stand National instruments PXI system Interface pcb Honeywell 2D scanner Assembled as one package (box) 5

6 | kvi - center for advanced radiation technology 6

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