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Life Beyond School- supporting students to navigate I/DD services

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1 Life Beyond School- supporting students to navigate I/DD services
Presented by: Erica Drake and Nathan Deeks Regional Employment Specialist

2 Purpose: To increase the knowledge of I/DD services in Oregon
Objectives: Overview of the referral and application process and services provided when in school and when a student exits from school Overview of choice counseling Overview of employment services with ODDS Overview of VR services Attain resources What questions do you have and what are you hoping to get out of this presentation??

3 A world of Acronyms Lessons Learned from last presentation…
Your World of Acronyms and Our World- give handout

4 What I need to know as an educator to support my students….
Support Services through Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS) Community Developmental Disabilities Program Brokerage KPLAN and Waiver Services Employment services

5 Office of Developmental Disabilities (ODDS)
ODDS covers a lifespan of support to over 21,000 Oregonians with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). ODDS strives to support choices of individuals with I/DD and their families within communities by promoting and providing services that are person-centered, self-directed and flexible.

6 Eligibility Eligibility is determined by a qualified and trained Eligibility Specialist at the Community Developmental Disability Program (CDDP) Refer back to tri-fold

7 Eligibility Eligibility is determined by Developmental Disability or Intellectual Disability Eligibility for school-age children and adults is determined by documentation provided by a qualified professional

8 Handouts and resources
Handouts and resources! I/DD Brochures TRI-FOLD county specific Regional Map Transition Transmittal Regional contact list

9 Referral and Application
Anyone can make a referral to a Community Developmental Disability Program (CDDP) with the permission of the individual or his/her legal representative To apply, contact the Community Developmental Disability Program in the county where the individual lives – if needed, county staff will assist with completing the application

10 How to apply for I/DD services
Request an application by calling your County (CDDP) Intake Line The individual or legal guardian completes the application and provide records The individual provides a copy of their birth certificate and photo ID or documentation of citizenship Remember you can ask for support !

11 Examples of documentation needed for Eligibility
School psychological or comprehensive evaluations since entry into school; Medical assessments related to a disability, mental health condition, or physical impairment; Psychological evaluations or comprehensive evaluations through private health insurance or other programs; Neurological evaluations completed through any entity; Records from all residential or psychiatric facilities; Records completed through application process for other governmental benefits; Administrative medical examinations and reports as determined necessary and authorized by the eligibility specialist.

12 What happens after applying?
If you are Denied services you receive a Notice of Planned action. This letter includes instructions on how to appeal the decision or the applicant can contact the local eligibility office for assistance. If you are Eligible you will received a letter identifying the assigned Services Coordinator. The SC will contact the individual to meet face to face, offer choice advising, explain services in detail and assist in planning. It is important for individuals and families to keep and refer to this letter, whatever the outcome, as they will need the contact info and to be aware of the process that it describes.

13 CDDP (County Services)
Choice advising HAND OUT HAND OUT!!! CDDP (County Services) Service Coordinator (SC) Gateway to service Children and Adults Adult and Foster Care Providers Provide Adult Abuse Investigation Recruit Adult and Child Foster Providers and Facilitate Foster System Requirements In home services Brokerage Personal Agent (PA) Adults Only In-Home services Handout

14 Core Responsibilities CDDP (SC) & Brokerage (PA)
Provide Case Management Services Access to DD funded Services Coordinate Community Services that meet the individual’s I/DD needs Provide Information and Referral

15 Core Responsibilities CDDP (SC) & Brokerages (PA) cont..
Provide access and follow-up to County Protective Services Monitor Contracted Service Provider Performance Respond to Service Delivery Complaints Assure Emergency Planning Maintain a Quality Assurance System

16 How does the Service Coordinator or Personal Agent collaborate with Schools?
Attend pre-transition IEP meetings or other meetings for a student when invited by the student, their family or guardian Per ODDS Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR), must participate in IEP and transition meetings for students enrolled in DD Services who are 16 years of age or older (unless refused by student, student’s parent or guardian) to: Participate in discussion regarding transition to adult living Participate in discussion regarding transition to work

17 Let’s Talk K Plan It’s a big plan with a small name. The K Plan title refers to the 1915(k) section of the Social Security Act. The official title of the K Plan is actually the Community First Choice Plan. The support services that now available through the K Plan are intended to help children and adults with intellectual / developmental disabilities enjoy a full life at home, work and in their community.

18 K PLAN and Waiver Services

19 Let’s Talk Employment “Memorandum of Understanding” was signed by ODDS, ODE, OVRS and OCDD (Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities) Agreed upon goal is for competitively paid employment or post-secondary education plan Increase the number of successful transitions as a result of the joint efforts and coordinated services between agencies Seamless, non-duplicative and transparent services between ODE, ODDS and OVRS On May 16, 2013 a NOTE ACCRONYMS: ODDS, ODE, OCDD, OVRS) Hand out Candy

20 Working Together Can Education services, I/DD services and VR services be used at the same time? When does it make sense and how do we coordinate this? Who funds the service and when? How do we know? (PT ) Where do we go for information? Who can help?

21 Where do you currently refer students who express the desire to work?
CANDY-VR diverse classroom- some DD and some eligible for SPED not DD= VR

22 Office Vocational Rehabilitation Services (OVRS)

23 https://www. oregon. gov/DHS/EMPLOYMENT/VR/Pages/Client-Information

24 Vocational Rehabilitation
The Roles of VR and ODDS Vocational Rehabilitation Provides Job Development Counseling on Disability and Work Related Issues Develop IPE (Individual Plan for Employment) Initial Job Coaching Contracts with Vendors for Job Development Determines when stabilization has been reached per the IPE ODDS Due to Federal Requirements, ODDS cannot pay for services if they are available through VR (job coaching until stabilization and job development) CDP (Career Development Plan) Long term Job Coaching Authorizes and approves Discovery Help cross walk job coaching from VR to ODDS for long-term supports

25 ODDS Employment Services
You have a student enrolled in I/DD services who is unsure about employment after school. What next? CANDY-VR

26 Career Development Plan (CDP): guides services for employment!
Oregon is an “Employment First” state. We believe that each person: can work and there is a job for everyone. has something to contribute and needs to contribute. has the right to a competitive job in a typical community work setting, including self-employment, making comparative wages with sufficient hours to make a difference. may identify the direction of his/her employment based on skills, interests, and strengths. has a right to be informed about the employment services options that are available to him/her. To receive an employment service, you must have a goal of pursuing individual, integrated employment.

27 ODDS Employment Services
Job Development Job Coaching Supported Employment Discovery Employment Path

28 HOW CAN YOU COLLABORATE--- transition portion of the IEP- Post Secondary Goals (PSG), Preferences, Interests, needs, and strengths (PINS). This information can help inform the career development plan. Videos to share with students….

29 I/DD Resources and Links
For general information on and links to DD services, including the contact info for all local CDDP eligibility offices, go to DISABILITIES/DD/Pages/eligibility.aspx For more information about the Employment First Initiative go to For information about DD funded employment services (including links to short animated videos that can be distributed to students, parents and others), go to For more information about K Plan go to For DD forms, processes, recent information and access to transmittals and rules, go to For information on available family supports and advocacy as well as upcoming events, go to FACTs site at  FAQ’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services and The Office of Developmental Disability Services in Oregon first/Documents/FAQ%20Document%20No


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