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Culture of the 1920’s.

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1 Culture of the 1920’s

2 Surrealism First surrealist was André Mason
Influenced by the dada movement Spread to America in 1928 Characterized by distorted objects and dream-like scenes Surrealists other than Mason include: Salvador Dali Max Ernst

3 Impact of Surrealism on art today
Salvador Dali (surrealism) Vladimir kush (post surrealism)

4 Architecture Art Deco’s impact on design Stressed uniformity
Angled sides and usually plain Most popular was the cottage design Architectblog.blogspot

5 Theater There weren’t many new big plays except for two “Showboat”
The most familiarized song would be “old man dang river.” And Funny face which was a rewrite of “Smarty”

6 Cinema Silent films And slap stick were in almost every film
All black and white films Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin were two of the main actors

7 People- Ku Klux Klan Second Ku Klux Klan rose in 1921
Preached Americanism and purification of politics with acts of racism, anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism New targets included Latinos, Homosexuals and Native Americans E

8 sources

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