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2016 MGI Chairman’s Report.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 MGI Chairman’s Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 MGI Chairman’s Report

2 Purpose Statement To assist member firms better service their clients, grow their business and develop staff by providing a consistent brand positioning and support network.

3 Our Key Goals Building the MGI brand to:
- attract business to member firms - attract new member firms to MGI

4 What we’ve done to date Continued focus New marketing coordinator
New member recruitment – some leads Joyce Dickson rebrand to MGI Joyce Dickson PR/RED

BY THE NUMBERS TOTAL CLIPPINGS ACHIEVED: 57 TOTAL AUDIENCE REACH: 47,088,125 100% of media coverage had a positive sentiment towards the MGI brand 96% of coverage mentioned the brand name Grant Field was quoted in 42% of coverage, Maree Caulfield was quoted in 40% of coverage and any of Des Caulfield, Wayne Bolin, Harley Bell, Stephen Greene, Brendan Brown or Matthew Murphy were quoted in the remaining 18%. 45% of coverage is advice, tips or an opinion piece



8 Where are we headed? Member recruitment Prospecting continues
Targeted New Zealand initially Plan to roll out to regional Australia from May 2016 Direct marketing campaign – LinkedIn and

9 Building MGI brand Changing role of marketing
Revised focus of family business survey Development of a community hub Purpose of survey to tie in to goals of MGI Australasia (Lead generation) Consideration of digital trends Repositioning of survey – MGI Business Index Reengagement of RED agency for PR

10 Summary Purpose Past Future

11 Introduction to Casey Lightbody
Marketing Co-ordinator has been appointed MGI Australasia/MGI World co-ordination

12 2016 Marketing Update

13 Purpose of marketing “the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit” ~ Kotler “helping people buy your product or service.” ~ Jason Falls “creating things of value in order for people to trade what they value in return” ~ me Ultimately it’s about getting new business… 72 definitions

14 How do buyers buy Accounting and Financial Services?

15 Market Research Hinge Research Institute: How Buyers Buy: Accounting and Financial Services

16 What is the best way to reach Accounting and Financial Services buyers?

17 Market Research

18 How are we going to build buzz and get our networks talking about us
How are we going to build buzz and get our networks talking about us? How do we give them what they are looking for?

19 How are we going to fuel word of mouth?
Find the people who will talk about us Give them something valuable to talk about Tools to help spread the message Take part in the conversation with our target audience Track the impact

20 Find the people who will talk about us

21 Give them something to talk about
Use the existing family business survey as the hero piece, but Transform it into a highly valuable tool

22 Past Surveys # of respondents Investment

23 MGI Business Index Quarterly Online Change in structure
Initial Key buckets Highly interactive Dynamic benchmarked responses Real-time feedback

24 Tools to help spread the message
Interactive and dynamic to maintain engagement Online to encourage social sharing PR to reach influencers and raise visibility


26 Take part in the conversation with our target audience
Development of an interactive and engaging community hub Local member firms as part of a value-added service to clients and prospects Local communications plans developed in conjunction with Red

27 Track the impact

28 Survey Demonstration

29 Questions?

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