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The Muslim's Relationship

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1 The Muslim's Relationship
with Allah entails understand who Allah is and the gift he has given us as Humans

2 Who is God? God explains in His Final Book that it is quite simply impossible for us to completely understand Him. We cannot pinpoint a definition of the Creator "Glory to the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth - the Sustainer, in almightiness enthroned - from all that they may attribute to Him by way of definition" [43:82] Our inability to completely understand God does not mean that He is completely remote from us. In spite of our limited understanding, we are all quite capable of turning to God, and He is not unaware of our efforts, "...and unto thy Sustainer turn with love." [94:8] "Behold, for those who stand in awe of God although He is beyond the reach of their perception, there is forgiveness in store and a great reward" [67:12]

3 God has not left mankind entirely in the dark regarding His Nature
God has not left mankind entirely in the dark regarding His Nature. He refers to Himself by approximately 100 names in various places throughout the Final Book. Each name is a descriptive attribute of God, and they are all meant to help us understand the Creator. To gain this understanding involves simply thinking about God and reflecting on His names. A second benefit of these names is that some of them provide mankind with ideals to try to attain. For example, since God is the Most Forgiving, Most Patient, and Most Knowledgeable, we should each strive to be forgiving, patient, and knowledgeable Of all His attributes, God emphasizes a single one above all others in His Final Book: that HE IS ONE. God is not two, three, four, or more beings. There is only one deity, and He is God, "Say: `He is God, Unique God the Eternal, the Independent. He begets not, and neither is He begotten. And there is nothing that could be compared to Him.'" [112:1-4]

4 After this aspect of Unity, God chose to emphasize two of His other names more often than the rest in the Final Book: "the Most Merciful, the One who acts Mercifully." In fact, each chapter but one in the whole Book starts with, "In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the One who Acts Mercifully." These two names cannot be emphasized enough. They are meant to stress we should not let our sins keep us from coming back to God and calling to Him at all times, in joy or sadness. The Creator is more aware of our imperfections than we are, and so when we stumble and feel bad, God is far more likely to be kind than angry. The Prophet said: "When God decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: `My mercy prevails over my wrath.'"

5 In regards to us as humans – who are we and what is it that makes us different from all other things? Well like the rest of the universe, we are creations of God. And descendents of Adam and Eve. Despite being another creation of Allah,we are distinct from the rest of the universe in a very fundamental way: "Verily, We did offer the trust to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains: but they refused to bear it because they were afraid of it. Yet man took it up - for verily he has always been prone to be most wicked, most foolish." [33:72] Over the years, many scholars of the Book have tried to understand exactly what God meant by "the trust". The most convincing argument is that it refers to our ability to make decisions both freely and intelligently. In other words, our uniqueness as human beings stems from two gifts given to us by God: our ability to freely choose between actions (good and evil) our ability to intelligently weigh and make those choices

6 The price of these gifts is a tremendous amount of responsibility on our part; the responsibility not to abuse our gifts by rejecting God or by hurting each other unnecessarily. The blessings of these two gifts are immeasurable, especially when God reminds us that He could have decided things otherwise by depriving us of either gift, "Now had it been Our will [that men should not be able to discern between right and wrong], We could surely have deprived them of their sight, so that they would stray forever from the [right] way: for how could they have had insight [into what is true]? And had it been Our will [that they should not be free to choose between right and wrong], We could surely have transformed them [rooted] in their places, so that they would not be able to move forward, and could not turn back." [36:66-67] However, God did NOT will this, and as a result we are blessed with will and reason and the Quran warns against abusing these blessings, either by neglecting ourselves when we don't think wisely, or by hurting others when we deny them the right to choose,

7 Listen to what Allah says about those who abuse these gifts:
"Verily, the vilest of all creatures in the sight of God are those deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason." [8:22] "There shall be no coercion in matters of faith. Distinct has now become the right way from error: hence he who rejects evil and believes in God has indeed taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way: for God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." [2:256]

8 In spite of mankind's GIFTS of free will and reason, God warns us in His Book always to remember that these gifts are limited. The Final Word lies with Him in all matters. We as humans are able to make decisions that affect our lives, but at the same time, God is also making decisions about us and for us, "And had thy Sustainer so willed, all those who live on earth would surely have attained to faith, all of them: do you then think that you could compel people to believe, notwithstanding that no human being can ever attain to faith otherwise than by God's leave, and [that] it is He who lays the loathsome evil [of disbelief] upon those who will not use their reason." [10:99-100] "...Verily, God does not change men's condition unless they change their inner selves..." [13:11]

9 So thus in order to become strong in our belief we must realize the following important matters:
Allah is the one who created us and being so he is aware of how we operate as humans He gave us two gifts that he has not given to any of his other creations and they are: Free will and the ability to chose for ourselves Despite these gifts he is still in control over us and is well aware of what our choices and decisions will be He only hopes that we will keep him forever on our minds and as a result make the choices that would be pleasing to him

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