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Newsletter Number 2 Wednesday 28th September Dictionaries

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1 Newsletter Number 2 Wednesday 28th September Dictionaries
The Rotary have been into school and presented our current Year 3 pupils with dictionaries. The dictionaries are kept in school and then when children leave for Secondary School they can be taken with them. Thank-you to the Rotary members for supporting our pupils. Friends of Dean School Don’t forget our next exciting social event is a James Bond theme night this weekend on Saturday 1st October. This promises to be a fun night with a difference! Tickets from Mrs Huddart. Induction Evening Thank-you to everyone who attended the induction evening. We hope it was informative and it was great to meet parents. Pirates Day We had a super day last week dressed up as pirates and a hearty pirate lunch was enjoyed. We were impressed with the pirate costumes! M & M productions We all enjoyed a production of Jack and the beanstalk last week – there was much story telling, singing, shouting and dancing and a great time was had by all! Coffee morning Our Macmillan coffee morning takes place this Friday morning between 10am and 11.30am. All welcome. Science Show Class 4 enjoyed a trip to the Carnegie theatre to watch a Science show entitled ‘bubbles.’ It was informative and fun and a person even got put inside a huge bubble! Carbon Count We have signed up to a County Council initiative to reduce our carbon footprint from school. This involves assemblies, workshops and the whole school working on initiatives to help save heating costs, lighting, paper etc. We are in the very early stages and more information will follow. As part of the scheme we are exploring the theme of ‘sustainability’ and life skills that encourage children to think on an environmentally friendly level. We are exploring possibilities of using some space in the school grounds for a garden area with the aim to grow some of our own flowers, fruit and vegetables. If anyone feels they can offer help with this either time wise or resource wise please could you let Mrs Martin know. Harvest Festival Just a reminder that there will be a Harvest Festival service in Dean church on Sunday 2nd October at 11am. All welcome.



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