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Sharing Stories Come Back, Jack! Unit 1 Lesson 2

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1 Sharing Stories Come Back, Jack! Unit 1 Lesson 2
Unit 1 Lesson 2

2 Word Knowledge crowd crown house found little candle crumple castle
didn’t couldn’t wasn’t he’s beanstalk candlestick outside inside drum grin trip gray

3 Fluency I need a towel to dry the dishes. That isn’t my coat.
A big grin crossed his face as he hit the drum.

4 Building Background What are some stories you just LOVE?
The story you will read today is made up of parts of stories and poems that you might know. Do you know of some tales or rhymes with a character named Jack in them? Say, “come and give me a (mumble hug). Does it sound like bug?

5 Background Information
Genre: Fantasy People, animals, or objects are able to do things that they cannot do in the real world. Things happen that could not happen in the real world. The story takes place in a make-believe place that doesn’t really exist. The story has creatures in it that are not found in the real world.

6 Clues, Problems, Wonderings

7 Boring Not interesting (pg. 27)

8 Adventure An experience that is interesting or dangerous. (pg. 27)

9 Exciting Stirring up strong feelings; thrilling. (pg. 28)

10 Searched Looked for. (pg. 28)

11 Steep Having a very sharp slope or slant. (pg. 30)

12 Nimble Moving quickly and lightly. (pg. 33)

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