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Curriculum Overview Nursery Traditional Tales Spring 1 PSED/ SEAL

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1 Curriculum Overview Nursery Traditional Tales Spring 1 PSED/ SEAL
Physical Development Building homes Transporting materials Play dough RE Stories Jesus told Baptism Easter PSED/ SEAL Discussing likes and dislikes Relationships Games Discuss own home and locality Literacy Share different traditional tales including Goldilocks and the 3 bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Gingerbread Man, The 3 Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and The 3 Billy Goats Gruff. Writing letters Name writing WRI groups Wanted/lost posters Retelling stories using story sacks and props Creating and following story maps Share alternative stories Traditional Tales Spring 1 Understanding the World Choosing and sorting materials Discussing material’s properties Discussing and comparing houses and homes Discuss own locality Using the BeeBot Using digital cameras/iPods Baking Maths Sorting objects by size/materials/colour Counting 1:1, reinforcing the last number we say when counting is how many are in that group Comparing quantities Games Matching numerals to quantity Using blocks to build structures and enclosures Expressive arts and Design Puppet making Making houses Designing clothing for Ginger Bread people Making masks Dressing up – fabrics and costumes Learning new songs and rhymes Communication and Language Discussing different/favourite characters and settings of traditional tales Role play Hot seating – questioning characters from the stories Join in with repeated refrains Create different endings to the stories Create own tales

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