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English week 2 Lesson 1.

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1 English week 2 Lesson 1

2 Lets trace “down Noddy and over his net”
draw a man for the straight part of the n and a net in the loop then say the rhyme together

3 Starfall:

4 Who remembers what happened in Jack and the Beanstalk -
What happened first, next, last? Where did the story happen(setting)? Who is the main character?

5 Let’s watch the story of the gingerbread man!

6 What happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story
What happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story? let’s draw together.

7 Let’s sing the gingerbread man song!

8 lesson 2

9 Lets trace the letter p “down the pirates plait and around his face”
draw a pirates face in the loop and his long hair in a plait for the straight part.

10 Starfall:

11 Let’s watch the story of the gingerbread man.

12 Now let’s talk about each of the following pictures –
Whats happening in each picture? What characters are in the picture? What is the setting of the picture? Is this picture from the beginning/middle or end of the story?





17 Lets talk about our senses
The fox liked the taste of the gingerbread man, the giant could smell Jack, Jack heard the giant say “fifyfofum”, little red riding hood could see the wolves big teeth, The gingerbread man felt the water and it was too wet

18 Big write: In your copies I want you to write the story of the gingerbread man in your own words: you can use pictures to help you

19 LO: To write the story in my own words

20 Let’s sing the gingerbread man song!
Let’s sing the gingerbread man song!

21 lesson 3

22 Let’s trace: around her face, down her hair and give her a curl
draw a girls face in the center and her hair down the tail of the g

23 Starfall:

24 Can you sequence the story using the cards on your table?

25 A capital letter goes at the start of a sentence and for people’s names - let’s try these together:
i have a friend called mary the frog lived in a pond the gingerbread man ran away jack stole the harp

26 A full stop goes at the end of a sentence - let’s do these together:
I have a friend called mary The frog lived in a pond The gingerbread man ran away Jack stole the harp

27 Now we’re going to play a capital letters game:

28 LO: to complete a sentence
During Eid Mubarak I... Don’t forget your capital letters and full stops!!!!!!

29 Let’s sing the gingerbread man song!
Let’s sing the gingerbread man song!

30 Spelling test time

31 lesson 4

32 Let’s trace: “all around the orange”
draw an orange in the centre of the o

33 Starfall:

34 circle something beginning with p, n, g, o

35 trace the letters in the air/on your desk/on your friends back while saying the rhymes.

36 practice tracing letters n, g,o,p

37 How many words can you make?
i t m p a n can you make any words? s d g o

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